Friday, February 5, 2021

Nescafe Gold? Try Nescafe Taster's Choice French Roast

 I used to love Nescafe Gold. It was my favorite instant coffee for the longest time.

But things change.

I can't remember when but its packaging changed from the sexy lady packaging (small waist, large top and bottom) to the more aesthetic square cylinder. And it seems like a change in the outside was accompanied by a change in the inside. It was just as aromatic as before, but lost all flavor.

I tried several bottles, from the tiny 50 mg pack to the jumbo 200 mg bottle at different times to no avail. It was lost forever. Yet somehow gaining more popularity thanks to its marketing campaign.

Which I did fall for. But was disappointed by, again and again.

Instead, I have officially switched to Nescafe Taster's Choice in French Roast.

It's a bit more expensive, at around Php 700 for 198 grams compared to Gold's Php 579 for 200. But the difference in flavor is worth the price increase.

Packaging and product-wise, the French Roast is closer to the original Gold than the current Gold is. So I recommend that instead if you like your Nescafe Instant Coffee.

If you've purchased a Gold, refill that with regular instant coffee (it's much better bang for buck) and try the French Roast when you can.

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