Monday, April 12, 2021

Eco Friendly Alternatives (The Toilet Paper Edition): Fresh Eco-Pulp Premium Bathroom Tissue vs BabebiBambu Premium Bamboo Tissue.

A little under a decade ago, I decided to switch to a more eco-friendly toilet paper because I was feeling guilty about how much toilet paper I used. It was one of those bathroom thoughts that was easy enough to implement, unlike the hand bidet (a currently unrealized wish because of possible water pressure issues). I thought I did a post on it years ago, but it was never published. Oops.

Anyway, as I'm spending more time at home, I've thought about things a bit more. Recently, I've been trying out two different "premium" eco-friendly bathroom tissues: Fresh Eco-Pulp Premium Bathroom Tissue  and BabebiBambu Premium Bamboo Tissue to figure out if I liked recycled versus bamboo tissue as my eco-friendly alternative to virgin pulp toilet paper.

Fresh Bathroom Tissue and BabebiBambu Bathroom Tissue

After all, I prefer keeping bamboo wipes in my bag.

Which will I be going forward with?

First of all, I chose Fresh's Eco-Pulp option over other its other version or other brands because this is a readily available toilet paper that can pass for regular, virgin pulp toilet paper. Don't believe me? My mother, who dislikes the thought of recycled toilet paper, actually purchased and used this before I commented that it was recycled. Thus, I was given nearly a pack of recycled toilet paper for free.  However, on shopee, this costs Php 237 ($5) for 15 3-ply rolls with 600 sheets per roll. This amounts to a cost of  Php 15.8 for 200 3-ply squares.

Comparison of Fresh Eco-Pulp and BabebiBambu Toilet Paper

BabebiBambu Premium Bamboo Tissue, on the other hand, is made of unbleached bamboo. I purchased this on shopee where the non-sale price is Php 234 for 6 4-ply rolls with 560 sheets per roll. This amounts to a cost of Php 39 for 140 4-ply squares. However, it often goes on sale for as much as 25% off.

Cost: Fresh Eco-Pulp is much friendlier on the wallet compared to BabebiBamboo's option. It's 2-2.5x cheaper.

So if price is the main criteria, hands down go for the cheaper option as it has more sheets in total anyway.

Comparison of Fresh Eco-Pulp and BabebiBambu Toilet Paper Squares

Next are the aesthetics. When I first got my package, I was so surprised how compact the Bamboo option was compared to the recycled option. It was around 30% smaller compared even though it had less than 10% total mass. Individual sheets are of the same size, with the former option being white with flower designs with dotted embossing while the latter is a light brown with square embossing. While I won't be showing my bathroom, the bamboo option is symmetric, and more instagram friendly, especially for "nordic" style rooms.

Aesthetic: BabebiBamboo Premium Bamboo Tissue looks more premium, both in storage and in use. It's less bulky and more attractive looking, period. It also looks more unisex, if that's a concern.

Additionally, because it's 4-ply with a regular pattern, BabebiBamboo's option is a bit more water-absorbent and stronger than Fresh. I tried tearing it and the bamboo option was harder to tear through with the layers visible after tearing. If strength and absorbency are concerned, bamboo option is better. Though it's not 2-2x stronger or more absorbent.

Comparison of Fresh Eco-Pulp and BabebiBambu Toilet Paper Squares Torn

Lastly, eco-friendliness. While it's supposed to be the main concern, it's hard to judge especially as the Fresh option is bleached while the Bamboo version is not. The National Resource Defence Council, while it hasn't scored either tissue, prefers recycled to bamboo options due to supply chain issues. The bamboo option is also made in China while the Fresh version is made in the Philippines. Still, I think in this case, the Fresh Eco-Pulp Premium Bathroom Tissue is actually more eco-friendly.

Price and eco-friendliness means Fresh Eco-Pulp Bathroom Tissue wins.

I will probably stick to recycled products for my toilet paper needs (both the premium and 2-ply options). However, those who hold aesthetics at a premium or those who refuse to use recycled products may want to pay a premium price with BabebiBamboo Premium Bathroom Tissue for a more eco-friendly alternative.


  1. This is my first visit, and your article is truly fantastic to read. Please continue to publish articles like this, as they provide useful information.

  2. Great article! Thanks for sharing I have used bamboo wipes and I must say, they are a great relief outdoors.
