Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Finally got to watch my first show this year, and to my regret, it was not Miss Saigon. It was the Parokya ni Edgar musical: BURUGUDUY STUN STUGUDUN STUY.

To summarize what I think of this show: It's high value production crack (fiction).

I wouldn't call myself a big fan of the band, but I do agree with its playright that it does seem like an acid trip set on a soundtrack of familiar songs: a ridiculous plot that tries and fails to adhere to its desired themes (?) of self-discovery and female empowerment; fantastical costuming with comical to cringe worthy use of props and visuals; but still entertaining for the strength of its audiovisuals. While the staging gives a unique Filipino texture and flamboyance, the flavor definitely comes from the skill of the cast that delivers both spoken and sung lines with skill while the music swells around you.

Granted, all of this culminates in a spectacle without substance, colored by nostalgia. Is it worth watching? I'd leave it up to you - but it has no doubt sold well as I ended up watching this as part of its extended run.

For those who do decide to watch this show, here's my advice: Just leave your brain at the door and enjoy the ride.

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