Saturday, April 24, 2021

Alba Botanicals Acnedote (Update 2021)

 Five years ago, I blogged about Alba Botanicals' Acnedote and enjoyed the minty, tingly feeling it gave. However, after repurchasing the bottle, I have found myself with mixed feelings about it.

This is why it didn't make it into the 5 things I'm thankful for this 2021. Aside from the fact that I used this new bottle in 2020.

While I was using this bottle, I really loved it. Especially on crazy hot days. Nothing like a cooling wash to cool you down. However, I found that I was unable to use it on my face while it was it was on the more sensitive side. So I ended up using it on my body (specifically for chest and bacne) for around a month or so. It felt like heaven. But I was especially sad that my days of using mint products on my face seemed to be at an end.

I still think young, resilient skin may opt to try it out on their faces (especially as a Khiels dupe), or people with body acne can opt to use it on their bodies. But I strongly recommend those with sensitivities not to use it. And not to overdo it.

As for me, it's a personal turning point not to use minty products on my face, no matter how much joy it gives me. I'm just not young enough to risk it anymore. :(

To those who say NOT to use any tingly products on your face for any reason, it's a perfectly valid choice. But personally, YOLO. Do the things you enjoy (within reason) as long as you understand the risk and aren't hurting anyone.

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