Thursday, June 13, 2013

Globe Rant

I am so frustrated with Globe right now. While they're all really nice, nothing seems to ever get done. I've just spend two hours to come to nothing regarding my problem.

5 Nice Things About Globe*... Not
*on broadband application

1. If you are on hold, then they will come back to you - Ok. This is not exactly a lie since they do eventually return, but it was taking a while. I asked someone inside the store if I was still on hold, and he said yes. Unfortunately, after another 30 minutes, he said that no- it got disconnected. I wasted around an hour holding a dead phone simply because I did not trust my instict that a phone with no music on hold was dead.

2. They will get back to you promptly - Nope. Not at all. Which has spewed a whole lot of follow ups that have all come to nothing. A word of advice, don't try their hotline. It's near useless. I just had many frustrating rounds of repeating everything about my case, only to get transferred again and again and again to end up with a - I'm sorry, this is all I can do. I will reply in 24 hours (which... hasn't happened).

3. You can use their customer service to get good service - if ever you get there. At the most convenient times for me, Globe is woefully packed and the line can take up to an hour. I tried using other measures given to me but the lines were perpetually busy.

4. You can follow-up in another globe store - apparently not. Globe can't cross communicate unless via email, so if you need something follow-ed up, you need to do it in the store you applied it or wait at least 24 hours for the other end to reply. Else your service is routed through the hotline (see above) which cannot communicate directly with another globe store anyway.

5. They can deal with your concerns - I've just spent two hours of my life with no one able to help me. I was told to go to the branch I originally applied in, when during my application process and my first follow-up (at the branch I did apply in) I asked and was explicitly told that I could use the hotline or the globe closest to me to follow up. Liars.

It's come to nothing. Nice people, but absolute shite when it comes to actual problem solving. It's very funny how my requests were met promptly when I was inquiring but it seems I have been dropped as soon as I have made a commitment.

Life, huh.

Edit: Saturday: June 15, 2013

Still another two hours in globe. Still nothing. All the regrets.

This is already four times worse than the last Sun trouble. Gah!!!!


I now have Internet. I have given around 9 hours of my life to Globe. While I wouldn't recommend their service, I am now enjoying their product. Let's hope I'd have nothing to complain about in that aspect.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Forehead Diaries 1

My skin is terrible. For a week, it looked decent - then when I decided to sleep at 5 am - subsisting on tea, coffee, cola and biscuits - it dies on me again. So I've decided to try to monitor what I put on my face by creating The Forehead Diaries. Just like a journal, it might not be 100% accurate - I can't promise to write down what I've put on my face everyday, but I'll do my best, so I can see what's going on with my skin. It might also motivate me to put all the stuff I'm supposed to.

All pictures taken with the webcam of a mac. No flash but at different locations so the lighting can be very different..

Let's start with a picture of right now, Day 0.

That was a picture before my nightly/early am (it's 4 am) routine. Sorry for the bad pictures!

So, yeah.

  1. Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser
  2. L'oreal White Perfect Whitening Toner
  3. It's Skin Facial Therapy Essence Skin
  4. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
  5. Stieva-A 0.05% Tretinoin
  6. Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque - not used regularly, only when there's a really big zit.
Yes, I know I have oily skin and am supposed to be using the DDM Gel instead of the DDM Lotion. Unfortunately, this is the only moisturizer I have on hand right now. I'd also like to finish it since I'm sort of hoping to finish some of my stuff before I buy anything.

  1. XX Sulfur Soap (I've forgotten the brand since it was there for a while, but it was very cheap)
  2. VMV Superskin 3 Toner - once every 2 days
  3. It's Skin Facial Therapy Essence Skin
  4. VMV ID Lotion - once every 3 days
  5. Neutrogena Ultrasheer Dry-Touch Sunblock 45 SPF

I didn't take a picture after Day 1. For Day 2, my skin was feeling sensitive so I replaced Morning 4 with Evening 5.

Urgh. Skin - why you so bad? The lighting is diffrent, since I took it in different places. You can see new zits on the right side of the picture and the middle. Since I was very busy for a week, my next picture is on Day 9:

I still have new zits popping out and up, most notably right between my eyebrows. I've noticed that zits don't tend to stay as long, though still pop up as often. Healing time is also quicker. There's less hyperpigmentation once the zit is gone. I have a feeling my sleeping habits are the zit producing factor.

After Day 9, my schedule went to EFF again. Some nights, I'd live with 1.5 - 3 hours of sleep. Sometimes I got so tired I just washed my face and left it at that. I've also had to use heavy foundation and removed it with the last of the old Elianto - it's gone now. I don't know how I feel about that. My skin got worse. Since I haven't been following the regime, I wouldn't call it a day exactly (more like a crossover study), but I feel that I should show how my skin looks like right now before officially closing TFD 1.

Moral of the story: Stick to a regimen! Also, sleep and relaxation are just as, if not more important than a good skin care routine. I found this round's morning and evening routine more effective than a wash alone. Unfortunately, less stress (or at least 6 hours sleep) is necessary for me not to turn into a pizza-face: I believe the TFD1 regimen might be effective if done religiously (and if I increase the VMV dosage). I do like VMV. Since the toner is a year old, I think this is the one I should be focusing on finishing (and reviewing), but I don't know what I'd buy afterwards: I'd rather not use an antibiotic on my face all the time.

Since I will be transferring to a new location with much less space, I'm going to have to revise my regimen to something simpler (or at least something that will take up less space). Once I've settled down, I'll see if I can make something else. I might post a review or two of some of these products once I've used them again.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

LRT adventures + Starbucks Musings

I am reborn! I am a phoenix! I am Jean Grey!

I'm just a redhead as a treat to myself for the school year. Here's to maintenance - I'm sure it'll be a b*tch.

Also, I'm poor now. I had it done at a reputable-(ish?) salon.


I was commuting yesterday and I could kick myself because I had forgotten:

1. Not to wear slippers on the train - your feet will be bruised and smushed by the stampeding feet.

2. Discipline means delay - the horde of people who don't know what a line is will force you out of your place as they cannot wait for passengers to disembark before surging forward as a mob. Although on the bright side, the EDSA line had crowd control - passengers couldn't enter the waiting area unless the place isn't that crowded. A bit annoying, the waiting, but better than being suffocated by a mob.

3. That I had a stored value card - and bought another one. T_T

It was a trying couple of hours. I even went on a jeep which thought they could fit 8 butts in a 7 person bench. They succeeded by having 6 + .5 +.5 butts on it. I was one of the lucky 6.

At the end of the day, I ended up in a Starbucks. Their Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino is really good! I noticed two people, separate parties, who entered Starbucks and never ordered. The first one, a male, stayed for a good 30 mins, charging his phone. The second one was an elderly female. She stayed for over 2 hours, charging her phone and occasionally napping. She even asked me to watch it as she went to the bathroom. Afterwards, she asked for a glass of water.

Now while I do know that in emergency situations, it could be excused for someone to charge a phone or use a bathroom or ask water. However, two hours by a lady who obviously had the means (she spent a lot of time on the phone talking business and was wearing jewellery  to "pay for her use of the space" is not really excusable in my book.

There may be people who do that, and are proud to do so, but I think it's very rude, and unfair to the cafe. If all people acted like this, then Starbucks would close down because everyone would use electricity and water with no income to offset it. But the thing is, if you see something like this happening, should you tolerate it?

It seemed easier to hold my peace - and I excused it saying that maybe, she would order in a few more minutes (as if waiting for another party member). But am I part of the problem?

Friday, May 31, 2013

June 2, 2013

Okay, I may hate the fact that in a few hours, it will be JUNE again. That means school will start soon. Eurghhh. However, I am looking forward to Sunday, June 2, 2013. Why?

1. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf will have an Open House this Sunday from 10-11:30 am, introducing their Anniversary Blend and Scottish Breakfast Tea Latte.

2. VMV Hyperallergenics is having an Armada Sale - 20% on the Armada line. I am ambivalent, as I already have a lot of sunblocks... but I am looking at their lipblock....

3. The last day of the fashion sale at Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall.

4. The last day of the sale at Robinsons' Department Stores.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

May: Finished!

Things I’ve Recently Finished: *

1.     Suave Juicy Green Apple Shampoo and Conditioner: Two very meh products when used together. I bought it because I like green apple, and apple scents in general. I liked the shampoo because it cleaned my scalp well, as well as providing a nice rich lather. Unfortunately, the conditioner was a bit too light for my hair. While they're nice to use in the shower, the scent dissipates in one to two hours under normal weather conditions. I did not use these products separately. 
2.     Neutrogena Hydro Boost Essence: Same as February's post, the short review is here. I did like it, but I think my skin might be better served by something else.
3.     Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo: I like this shampoo because I could use it to remove build up every 10 days or so, or whenever I used an oil treatment of my hair. It has a nice, clean scent with good lather, even when using a little product. Since I didn't use it everyday, a shampoo with a price tag of less than P200 lasted for more than a year.
4. Vaseline Healthy Hands and Nails Lotion: I haven't noticed my hands and nails getting any stronger, but it does moisturize them well, and sinks in pretty quickly. My only problem with this is that the tube is a bit fat, so it's a bit awkward to maneuver on-the-go. I end up leaving it at home. 

I've been going through bars and bars of Nivea and Dove creme soaps. I much prefer the Dove soaps by virtue of their shape, smell and lather. I tried the Dove 7-day challenge on my face and ... no. It really doesn't work on my poor acne-prone face. Creme soaps melt quicker than the usual bar soaps. While it is not necessary to use a sponge to trap excess moisture on the soap, especially considering its price, make sure that there are no puddles anywhere near your soap dish.


*No pictures. Lack of decent camera woes, as usual. Plus I’m lazy (see my name).

Monday, May 27, 2013

EOTD: A Noob's Eye Makeup

Just went out for a bit today. I thought I'd try a trend for a change. Super basic eye make up with the Stila Barbie Palette. I still have no camera, so I'm using my webcam. I used only one brush for the entire look. I think I'd get a better effect if I used at least one more :))

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Review: Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

Years and years ago, I posted a tutorial about Aztec Healing Clay. While I did like it's effect on my skin, the mess and the smell, as well as the time it took me to use it resulted in it falling out of favor. My current favorite is the Garnier Self Heating Sauna Mask. However, my favorite mask product (I'm not sure if I have an HG mask yet) is the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque.

The Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque is a green clay mask that hardens. According to the directions, you're supposed to take it off with warm water and a washcloth (like the Aztec mask). However, I find this process tedious since it's a thick paste that's difficult to take from the tube (around the time that it's half gone). It's near impossible to portion control with this thing - I always end up using more than I need. Product is a thick green paste with a consistency somewhere between play-doh and toothpaste.

Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask - from the tube

As you can see, there's a bit of a semi-circular impression when i try to maneuver the bottle without swiping with my fingers. Since squeezing too little gets only a tiny amount of product, and squeezing a lot makes it fly everywhere, covering my entire face can get very frustrating.

Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask - spread

Spreading it is not a problem after you get your desired amount out, but I prefer using it as an overnight spot treatment for zits that need to be dried up. Thus, I can't really say I like it as a mask. It dries up in less than 15 minutes, depending on how much you put on. A light layer will dry up in around 5.

While this is much more expensive in the Philippines (P250-P350, depends on where you get it) than in the US ($5 dollars), an 8 oz. tube will last at least a year with me and it really isn't expensive, compared to other products. This used to be hard to find a few years ago, but it's much easier to get now.

Now, this product is not a miracle worker for most of my zits (because my zits hurt :( ), but it does dry out the small zits and shrinks the mean ones enough to make them easier to hide the next day. If I had more obedient zits, it probably would be a miracle worker - as it is for some people. If only I could use this as a color corrector under make-up! I only use it once a day because it's very obvious.

This substance is very drying, so if you have dry or sensitive skin, I suggest you use this product sparingly.

Ingredients: water, kaolin, bentonite, glycerin, zinc oxide, propylene glycol, sulfur, chromium oxide greens, fragrance, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben.


  • good drying capability: kills baby zits, shrinks the big ones
  • minty smell
  • inexpensive, lasts a long time


  • tube packaging is horrible: difficult to take product out of the tube, get's everywhere if you're not careful
  • hardens, so tube needs to be finished quickly (or cut up to get the bits that won't be squeezed out)


  • don't sleep with this on unless you're fine with it going all over your sheets, or if you don't move and sleep on your back
  • use a light coating if you're using it as a mask, use a heavier coat if you're using it as a spot treatment 
  • don't wear it as a spot corrector if you're going outside
  • remember to use a moisturiser after use 
  • cut up the tube when you can't squeeze out anymore to make the most out of your product

  • acne prone skin
  • anyone with a zit

Buy Again?
Yes, it's a staple in my beauty closet! I might ignore it, but I go back to it when I need it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I was online window shopping a few minutes ago and I found this: blooper blooper

If only this were true! A blue baby quasar for PHP356 (>$10). Sadly, the add to cart function pegs it at a bit above P15k... The price in the baby quasar site lists it at $349, so if you're interested in buying locally, you might want to check this out.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Review: Brother's Burger + CBTL, M&S

Went to a Brothers Burger MoA adjacent, and the place was really small. That space over there is the only place you can walk on.

But it's the first time I've seen those tables down below(are they common?), and I found them really cute. As you can see, the side of the table just has enough space to move the chair.

 I love the chairs! They're big, and seat me comfortably. It's like I have two arm rests.

Waiting for the food took a while.  At least they gave us water. I wonder why they gave two condiment bottles but only one container for dip... Normal fries get ketchup but crisscut fries get mayo!

X ordered Fish and Chips (P195). This might be a seasonal item. I don't know when/if they're pulling it out. The serving is big for one person, but not enough to share.

Brothers Burger Fish and Chips
Brothers Burger Fish and Chips

The Brothers Burger (P140) I ordered wasn't small but it wasn't filling. However, the patty seemed a bit dry. Is it me, or is this burger not as good as it was before? I was hoping to see the lettuce, at least in any angle, but it was tiny.
Brothers Burger Burger
Brothers Burger Burger

I filled up with their crisscut fries instead. They were hot and delicious covered in mayo. I wish they made this item available all year round.

It's been a while since my last trip there and I'm definitely not going to order that burger again. For the same price range, I'd rather go to Wham! I used to order their Lamb Burger, and I might try it again next time, but the Brothers Burger really didn't make the cut.

Later that day, I ended up in CBTL with a double chocolate latte. The stirrer was cute, but it prevented me from drinking from the lip so I had to open it :))

With a snack from Marks & Spencer. I know that they discourage you from eating outside foods in coffee shops, but I couldn't resist... This sleeve of dark chocolate digestives were on sale (Biscuits, as well as other things, were 20% off due to the mid-year sale).

 I really like the coziness of CBTL. It's one of the more relaxing coffee shops.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Uniqlo: Cabbages & Roses

I really wanna kick myself for missing the year end sale (when all the winterwear went for cheap). Urgh. Maybe next year! Luckily, I stopped by Uniqlo in MoA and was able to get a hoodie on sale! This jacket was a collaboration with Cabbages & Roses, an english brand with gorgeous prints!

Uniqlo: Cabbages & Roses Hoodie C
Uniqlo: Cabbages & Roses Hoodie C

As you can see, I am in love with fabric for furniture (haha! - things than can be used in upholstery). It is my dearest wish to own a lot of their collection, but... my wallet -_- This jacket was actually a bit different from most of the items on stock now: most of them are in lighter, more playful colors. I picked this one because it reminded me of one of the jackets I lost before... it's a replacement, so to speak.

Anyway, I checked Uniqlo Philippines' website, but no pictures are available. If you're interested, try the UK website ;) The pic above is Hoodie C. I have a feeling I'll be returning to the shop soon to buy something else from the collection,  though non-winter wear wasn't on sale.

I checked Cabbages & Roses' website too, but the clothes are d*mn expensive, gorgeous as they might be. Check both of em out if you're a fan of English things >. > In fact, Uniqlo has a new location: SM Aura in Taguig. i don't know when/if I'll be able to check it out, but there will be a fashion show or something today (May 18).

More importantly, today is International Museum Day! Check your local museums to see if entrance is free :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beauty Secrets at the Spa

Due to time constraints, my parents gave me a voucher to use to Beauty Secrets at the Spa in Grand Emerald Tower. Though I decided, thanks to my latest facial experience, that I disliked facials that did not come from my derma, I couldn't turn it down since no one else would use it.

Here's how it went: I set an appointment and showed up exactly on time. I was asked if I was in a hurry, and I said that I wasn't. Listened to Lady A talk to a client about diet and going organic. 30 minutes later, I asked them when they would be able to accomodate me. I was given a reply: 15 minutes longer. I berated them for it, and though they apologized, I was already very annoyed: why bother setting an appointment if they would give others without them precedence? The service was supposed to take 45 minutes, and I should have been done with it by that time. Punctual? No.

I went inside a cubicle, finally, so Lady A (a doctor, I think) could examine my skin. I won't reiterate my conversation with her, but there were some not so subtle cues to buy products or add on to the service. The receptionist already tried when I first came in. I rebuffed all of them, already in a bad mood. It got even worse when I was told to use ice everyday to shrink my pores.

The doctor left and another woman, Lady B, came in (don't know if it was a doctor or not, by this point, I really didn't care). She cleaned my face with Neutrogena, I think, and aqua sponges. She also used a layer of 35% glycolic acid before steaming. After which, the usual extraction and cauterization before the diamond peel. She had a light hand and the process was bearable.

I left around 45 minutes later.

Though I liked the way Lady B treated my skin, I will NOT return. I cannot trust a doctor who tells me that ice tightens pores. Pores can be "shrunk" by lasers and drugs, but the idea that ice could work when it's used everyday...

I did spot a CO2 laser machine, and the service was good, so this place may be for those who want such services (price unknown)- but a basic facial + diamond peel at the full price (P1445 - according to the voucher) is definitely out of my price range when I can get more back out of my buck with my derma. More importantly, the product pushing and misinformation, even unknowingly, is a big turn off for me.

Next day: New zits. I guess I can't really blame them since you aren't supposed to DP when you have zits. Since the zits did have a specific pattern... Lesson learned: acne really sucks.  Peeling present, but I'm not sure if it's because of the DP or the glycolic. My nose was defintely clear of blackheads though.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend this place. But if you have the budget, you might want to try them yourself.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Review: Sci-Fi Cafe + Mexicali Promo

Warning! Picture heavy

A new place in Robinsons Galleria, Sci-Fi Cafe Is a place for geeks and hipsters to hang out in.

Sci-Fi Cafe FrontSci-Fi Cafe Front
 You can see a lot of collectibles outside, which is what drew us to the place.

Sci-Fi Cafe Menu
Sci-Fi Cafe Menu
The menu boasts food with interesting names. Since it was a bit out of budget, my friends and I decided to try their drinks only. While waiting, these caught my eye:

Johnny Depp Action Figures
Johnny Depp

The Golden Trio Action Figures
The Golden Trio

Aliens vs Predators Collectibles
Aliens vs Predators
Among other things. They have an extensive Star Wars collection, including these on the ceiling: 

Sci-Fi Cafe Ceiling
Sci-Fi Cafe Ceiling
Too bad the lights are too bright to see the spacecraft, a Millenium Falcon and TIE Fighter, among other things.

There was some complimentary soup, which was nice. I have no idea what it was, but it's the first time I've received a soup for ordering a drink.

Sci-Fi Cafe Cashier
Featuring a shield of the White Tree of Gondor, a hoverboard, Leggy's bow and Sulley! They were playing music from Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet and Titanic.

Sci-Fi Cafe Bar
When you walk in, you see some wands, lightsabers and the Madhatter's hat. The cake looked delicious, but I'm saving up for Wildflour.

Sci-Fi Cafe Wall
Sci-Fi Cafe Wall
Autograph wall, OMG.

Sci-Fi Cafe Collectibles
Numbered stuff from Pirates of the Carribean, Disney sets... and if you look closely, there's a Twilight Set. 

Now I realize that a lot of the stuff I've shown is more of fantasy than science fiction, but OMG! A place to admire all the stuff!

They also started showing Avengers on one TV screen and LotR in another.... I almost stayed forever....
Sci-Fi Cafe White Chocolate
Milk Blend: White Chocolate
Sulley wants my drink.

Now, while the food was excellent, the location great, and the service good, there is one thing I disliked: Since my friends and I KKB'd it, we all placed money when the bill came. I placed an extra P20 and was too lazy to count change. Our money was taken, but the P20 was gone. Now, I was going to leave it as a tip, but management should NOT assume that. They should have left the money inside... clearly, honesty isn't a policy.

I'll forgive it because of the uniqueness of the place, but I'll think twice about putting more money then I ought to, and count change very carefully!


  • Service: we were given water and it was refilled without asking
  • Free soup
  • Ambience: one of a kind
  • Yummy drink


  • Not very honest


  • Make sure you bring enough money

Go again?
Yes! With all my geeky friends.

The Sci-Fi Cafe is located in the top floor of Robinsons Galleria, Quezon City, Philippines.

After going around the mall, we got hungry and bought nachos at Mexicali. They have a promo: P100 for certain items with a free 12oz Coke (they gave us sarsi, but we didn't complain).

Mexicali Nachos
Mexicali Nachos

Reading: Kurt Vonnegut and Orson Scott Card

For Summer 2013, I've read two books apiece, recommended by friends, by Kurt Vonnegut and Orson Scott Card.

Kurt Vonnegut
 Though I dislike his writing style, I find slogging through the books worth it simply for the messages he is able to impart. Thankfully, the two books I've read aren't that long, even at the points where I have to stop and think about it! While I don't agree with all of his points, they are worth noting and thinking about. Of the two I've read, I'd recommend one: The Sirens of Titan. I will probably read more of this author in the future.

Orson Scott Card
I find this guy to be a bit of a douche - but that doesn't mean much as an author. I'd recommend reading Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow, in that order. These books are easier to read, and I found them more engrossing. I don't think I'll read more of the series, and his later works due to the misogynism that becomes more and more apparent (as the target demography becomes older?). While I'm kind of curious about his earlier ones, I don't think I'm interested enough to actively search for them.

Anyway, I'm really glad that I was able to read these books. I probably won't be able to read non-academically related books when the school year starts, so it's nice to have time to go into a coffee or tea shop just to read without using highlighters and the like.

Look at the happy things in life. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mega 3 Day Sale + Wildflour Cafe

It's the last day of the Mega 3-Day Sale (May 3-5, 2013). If you don't mind the crowds (and boy, is it crowded), then it's a great time to buy: a single receipt purchase of at least P2,000 (and every P2,000 thereafter) entitles you to a P100 discount coupon, in addition to any product discounts. While it doesn't seem like much, combining promos is very rare in the Philippines. SM Megamall has extended store hours until today.

Though I didn't buy much (crowds really aren't my thing), I did buy one VMV Hypoallergenics ID Anti-Acne Oil Free Lotion at 25% off. Though the Armada line was -as usual- not on sale, most of their products were at up to 25% off. I saw some hoarders over there, but decided not to hoard... let's see if I'll regret that decision in the future.

Also, Wildflour Cafe in Podium has recently had its soft opening. Still haven't eaten there, since there were a lot of people, I'm hoping to eat there some weekday in order to see if it could be a good pastry/breakfast place for me.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Highlands Coffee Eton

There's a new coffee shop in town! I've noticed that I've been caring more about food posts than beauty posts right now. Maybe because I don't have the funds for the latter? Also, I really have no Idea where my camera is so.... cellphone pictures all the way!

The first drink I've tried there is:

Cafe Sua Da at Highlands Coffee
Cafe Sua Da
It costs P129 ($3) for a tall glass of vietnamese coffee with condensed milk. It takes a while for all the coffee to go down. Vietnamese coffee is a bit strong for me, so I wouldn't drink it without condensed milk.
Highlands Coffee
Highlands Coffee
 The bar is well stocked with pastries, and some fresh fruits. They also have sandwiches. Unfortunately,  I doubt I'd be spending much on their food since they are a bit expensive.

Highlands Promo
I went on their soft opening so I was able to score some BOGO coupons and a loyalty card. You can only use one at a time. I'm hoping there's no expiration on each -there's no date stamped anywhere :)

Cafe Sua Da Done!
Cafe Sua Da Done
This is how the drink looks after mixing! Their freezes are also yummy, but fattening.

A purchase comes with one hour free wifi. This makes me kind of sad since it doesn't encourage people loitering in the shop, and free wifi is one of the reasons I go to coffee shops in the first place. It also has few outlets, so charge before you enter. It does have some tablets on some tables, which I haven't used: maybe these have free wifi?

What's best about this place is that it's open 24/7 - one of the few places open in ortigas on Sundays!

Also, there's a Chatime opening beside it. Yay!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Well, it's my summer vacation right now. That means a lot of bumming time, even if I did promise myself to be more productive... I'd really not rather know how much weight I've gained, or how many pimples I've gotten from sleeping early mornings.

To get a feel of how much weight I've gained....

The Rising Shroom at the BurgerBar
The Rising Shroom

The best burger I've ever tasted. It costs P280 ($7) not including either VAT or service charge, but it's quite worth the price. As its name shows, it's contains mushrooms, better seen in the next pic and truffle cream cheese. This burger has made's top gourmet burger list, with good reason. It's from the BurgerBar at Greenbelt 2.

The Rising Shroom 2 at the Burger Bar
The Rising Shroom 2
The bit below the top bun are battered oyster mushrooms. Though these were my least favorite part of the burger, it did provide a different texture, as compared to most burgers I've eaten. The best part for me was definitely the sauce... it's a burger your mouth doesn't get tired of.

Parmesan Truffle Fries at the BurgerBar
Parmesan Truffle Fries
On the other hand, the fries -I'm not sure if this was the genuine name- at P145 ($3) were just blah. I'd prefer some NYFD fries to this for the price. Truffle fries really aren't my thing, but I did like the crunch of these. The serving size is big enough for two, so it really isn't that expensive if you think about it. Wish I tried the cookie batter milkshake instead.

This meal was eaten in the company of D. Thank you, D, for a wonderful time!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Let's Face It! I can't!

After n years of avoiding Let's Face It! I decided to go there as a family activity. We all got the basic, standard facial package at P245 (around $6 dollars), which was really cheap.... and we got what we paid for!

Basic Facial: Facial Cleaning with Laser and Vacuum - P 245

The mini-massage when they rubbed on the creams pre-pricking felt nice, and so did the steaming. However, there came the dreaded pricking! While it was fine for them, I was in serious pain the entire time those instruments of evil were on my face. I had to tell the aesthetician to leave off my cheeks because I couldn't take it.

My nose is now free from blackheads. But I will never return. Not even for the free check-ups that came with the package. At least for the next n years. I'd rather go to my derma instead and get peel happy!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Address: 2F Estrada St.
Near Taft Avenue, close to DLSU 

Apparently, this cafe has been in business for a while, but it's the first time I was able to go. Fortunately, I was able to catch the place before either the morning/afternoon/evening rush hours, if ever there was. It's a really cute korean place that you reach by climbing up a flight of stairs direct from the ground floor - very different from the usual mall-located coffee spots.

Noriter Counter
 As you can see, there's only one man manning the place, not including the guard. A blackboard at the top contains the menu done in white, pink and blue. There are two sizes available with prices comparable to Starbucks. They also sell pastries. You get your own serving utensils and water glasses are reusable.

Noriter table and cups
 You can see a paper cup construction, and some alternative tables to use: they are elevated from the floor and require kneeling. If you look closely at the wood, you can see that people have written messages on them.

Noriter table and wall
 Some glass topped tables have pictures on them. There are a lot of cup decorations around the place and you can see the mish mash of chairs. And fire extinguishers! Good to know that they have them somewhere easily accessible ^^
Norriter tree and table
There is a tree, don't know if it's real or not, but it's a nice touch to an indor place. You can see that the tables also come in many varieties. If you like privacy, there is a 2 storey semi-enclosed "treehouse"? located in the back.
Noriter view
I decided to take one of the small kneeling table things. You can see cars below.

I forgot to take a picture of my drink! Finished it before I remembered. Anyway, I'd like to go back to this place again, though it's a bit out of my way. I understand that it's a hang out spot for DLSU students.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Unit16sweets Peppermint Chocolate Bar

I love chocolate and peppermint. I especially love both of them together, hence my love affair with Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha every Christmas. However, now that Christmas season is over, I find myself craving mint chocolate. Luckily, I discovered this:
Unit16sweets Peppermint Chocolate Bar
Peppermint Chocolate Bar
A Peppermint Chocolate Bar (Dark Chocolate with Mint) that doesn't break the bank! This little baby is from unit16sweets (you won't see this at their site) and costs P50 for 12 squares (3x4) of chocolate-y goodness. I found this little baby at a weekend food bazaar in podium. They also have other specialty flavors: chili, sea salt and ginger. While I am interested in trying those out, my diet constrains me...

Anyway, this is not the best chocolate I've ever tasted, but it's pretty sweet for its price! I liked the fact that it had an expiration date (around a year), but who are we kidding? Chocolate can last 1 week, tops, in my world.

What I didn't like about this? The wrapper! While it looked nice and neat, it felt disgusting on my fingers. Fortunately, the silver foil inside allowed me to unwrap it as soon as possible.

Buy Again?
Of course!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Garnier Self Heating Sauna Mask

Ingredients: Glycerin, Kaolin, Titanium Dioxide, Propylene Glycol, Dicaprylate, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Montmorillonite, Aqua/Water, Propylene Glycol, Acrylates Copolymer, Allantoin, Benzyl Salicylate, Blue 1, Ultramarines, Limonine, Linalool, Propylene Carbonate, Salicylic Acid, Serine, Sodium Chloride Sorbitole, Stearalkonium Hectorite, Urea, Zinc Gluconate, Parfum

Garnier Self-Heating Sauna Mask
Thin application

Ok. I should actually use a better camera than my crap fone but... here's a light application. You can use this for 3-4 uses, depending on how heavy you apply it on your face. If you're super stingy, you might actually get 6 uses of it. Here's a light application, but I feel that it does the job well enough. I usually do 2 applications a week. One heavy and one light, as a touch-up. Since my cheeks are not as oily as my T-zone, it's thinner on this area.

The instructions tell you to put it on your face for 3 minutes and that's what I do before washing it off. 


  • Keeps me oil free for days! Meaning less zit-y over time.
  • Good for 3-4 uses if you're like me, 6 if you're super stingy and  2 if you're a generous applicator.
  • Cheap! P49 (a bit over $1) for 2 to 4 to 6 applications, in 2 6 ml doses.
  • Doesn't harden completely, so it's easy to wash off.
  • Self-heating! So it feels nice on the face.

I have to apply it twice a week, not once to remain oil-free for the week. But this is a personal, not product failure.

  • Keep away from hair, eyes and other mucous membrane-y areas.
  • Try to figure out how much you need (you may not need a thick layer to keep yourself oil-free, or you may not need to put it on your entire face).

For oily people.

Buy Again?
Yes! I buy this a lot right now as part of my anti-acne regime.