Friday, May 17, 2024

Summer Saver: Sheet Masks

 It's summer again, and I've officially transitioned fully into using cold showers (which I hate 90% of the time), which is a necessity at this weather.

Part of what I do to stay cool is to use an umbrella, shouting out to fibrella - remember to use UV coated umbrellas- as well as seeking out as much shade as I can. I ought to use shades as well but where I currently live, that gives far too much attention.

However what I've used this summer more than any other method to stay cool is to use sheet masks. Yes, I do still consider them as guilty pleasures. But it's really been so hot and I've just been keeping a bunch in the fridge and popping one on at the end of a long day and it does a lot to cool my face and really destress.

I've never been one to sheet mask regularly because of the environmental impact and the impact on my wallet but … it's just been crazy hot. I've been trying to use cheaper masks and those that come in packs to offset but I end up using a mask every 2 to 3 days. The good thing is I'm finally using up some of my super old face masks. The bad is that I'm buying more now.

Anyway, I still wouldn't recommend using an active sheet mask daily - soothing masks are ok unless they're heavy. If I use an active mask too frequently: my face starts to sting. If use a hydrating mask too frequently: bumps from the heaviness. I've found the cheaper daily masks work well enough since my main goal is to cool down and soothe my skin. Added bonus as a lazy girl: just top off with a moisturizer and I'm done for the day.

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