Monday, July 19, 2021

The Supplements that Saved Me

 I was on youtube a day ago and a local influencer recently made a video with a dermatologist regarding oral supplements. It got me thinking about the supplements I do take since I do take some of the supplements mentioned. The video looked at skin effects, and while studies don't really back them,  it's no biggie for me. Granted, I don't use them for my skin, nor do I take them daily. But I have found some of them do have an effect and slowly, they have become part of my life.

So here is the short list, why I take them, why I don't take them daily, and if they do have a skin effect.

1. Calcium tablets - I have episodes of dyspepsia and if you've ever taken a TUMS, they're basically made of calcium. I've found these help me when I have mild episodes. I don't take them regularly because these tablets are huge so they're not fun to take, but I should... these have zero skin effects since I use them to neutralize acid in my tummy.

2. Glutathione - originally ended up taking this because I bought for a friend and bought myself an extra because I was curious. And well, I've found them very helpful for both help me tolerate more alcohol, and have less side effects after. I don't take them regularly because they do give me dyspepsia so I can't really take them regularly. I haven't noticed whitening of the skin, but alcohol effs my skin up the next day unless I use this and I've noticed better day/days after skin so I keep a bottle around. I've been cutting down on my alcohol intake so I only use around two bottles a year now.

3. Collagen - this is the newest thing I've been consistently using. I love this for my joints. It's crazy how quickly I saw the effects. I work out more now because of this. The one I take now gives me mild dyspepsia so I take it every other day but I'm going to continue my collagen journey because of this. Zero skin effects for now. But I've been taking for less than a month so we'll see.

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