Saturday, June 5, 2021

MegRhythm Steam Eye Masks

Quick post as I realize 6.6 is coming soon. I think a good buy right now are these Lavender Steam Eye Masks from MegRhythm.

I realize that these are usually winter items, but I tend to use air conditioning in hot summer nights only since there's no winter here. And being winter items, this might be the cheapest time to stock up and store or use when the air conditioning is on.

These steam eye masks are single-use self heating eyemasks that work as both heat and aromatherapy. Just open a pack, tear to release the loops and enjoy.

I really like how easy and safe this is compared to using other eye masks (less risk of burning your skin off), though test it before you put it on.

While these lavenders are the only ones I've tried, there are an assortment of scents to choose from and they're worth it on extra special self-care days since they are very spendy.

These masks cost around Php 50-80 usually but are at around Php 35 on BOGO.

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