Monday, January 25, 2021

Etude House Color My Brows

Kilay is life, period. This has been true for 2020, and it seems like it'll be the same for 2021. As such, a lot of my make-up spending has been on brow products. Missing a brow mascara, one of the things I've purchased for 2021 is Etude House's Color my Brows in Natural Brown (Number 4). While I've yet to try their popular brow pencil, at least I've given this one a go.

While the package is small, being less than the size of my hand, the tube comes with a decent 4.5 g or 0.15 oz of product for around Php 210 pesos from Althea (can be bought online at the Php 200-300 range). This looks to be much less than what you can get from something like Nichido, but it's pretty standard for Korean brands. What I like about this is the cute packaging and the small size for travel since you can just slip it into your bag (or your jeans pocket). Though reapplying isn't necessary throughout the day.

Surprisingly, upon twisting, you get a surprise: the wand is VERY big. It's a coned-tapered wand more suitable to a mascara than a brow product, in my opinion. With the size of the wand being a bit too big and the size of the handle being a bit too small, it took a while to get my brows the way I wanted.

I'd advise users not to follow the instructions given and use the brush parallel to the brow, not perpendicularly as in the packaging pictures, while brushing. For now, I like to brush against the hair growth and then again in the direction of my hair growth after using a pencil. As with most thick wands, also remember to brush excess against the side of the tube before using since the large wand means a lot of product.

It has stayed on my oily brows for around 10 hours, with only a little bit of wear. I haven't tried it for longer since there hasn't been that many opportunities to, but I'm pretty happy with how it looks: natural but nice. I don't really touch my brows after putting on make-up, but from what I feel, while it isn't crunchy, you do feel that you have product on. It's easy enough to remove with an oil or biphasic remover.

I'd recommend this for someone who's looking for a basic brow gel. It's not amazing, but it's good for what it is.

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