Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bobbie Nail Polish Remover with Formula 30 Acetone

Just finished up a small bottle of Bobbie Nail Polish Remover with Formula 30. I don't know how it differs formula wi from the big bottled version I bought and finished a long time ago during my more nail-centric years, but the smaller version is terrible for some reason. Both large and small versions give you green fingers from rubbing, but I can't seem to remove polish well with the smaller one. The giant bottle I bought ages ago never had this problem even to the last bits, so I'm betting it's a cap tightness thing that was the issue as I didn't have this problem when I started using the remover at first.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

JASON C-Effects Super-C Cleanser

I have been using JASON's C-effects Super-C Cleanser for around half a year. At first I wasn't quite sure that this actually had a lot of vitamin-C, orange scent not withstanding. However, a bit after a quarter month in, I noticed that the color of the product changed from clear to something with a slight yellow tint.

Darn it. Should have used more before it started turning.