Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

To everyone around the world
Peace be to all on earth

I'm going back to school on the second (way too early) and am seriously not prepared for it. Good luck to future me and to future you.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cuddle Buddy (CB)

This is a term I've been introduced to only this year. According to R, a cuddle buddy (CB) is the female version of a fuck buddy (FB) - which seems kind of sexist but a bit true when you think about it. A FB is someone you go for no-strings sexy times; A CB is someone you go for no-strings cuddle times. Both may or may not be successful. That is, it might actually have complications with regards to the feelings of one or more parties.

With regards to either generally and to CBs specifically, there are some questions I have in my head  and should be in the minds of those who are looking for one!

Is it better to have a friend or a stranger as a CB?
- If the former, a close friend or someone closer to an aquaintance?

Would you ever go on a site looking for one? (granted, I'm pretty sure there isn't one in my area)

What are the risks involved?

What can you do to protect yourself for these risks?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Quick Tip #3

Happy Holidays!

(Greetings to whatever type of celebration you guys are having)

It's a time for eating! I love eating, and I always end up gaining weight at this time. While there are some tips to lose weight out there, the tip I'm giving now is for bloating - how to avoid that excess water weight. Whenever you eat salty foods, drink water and coffee (or something high in caffeine) afterwards. Salty foods make you thirsty, which is why you drink water and therefore bloat. If you don't drink water, you'll end up taking it from places you shouldn't be getting it from. But adding coffee afterwards prevents your kidney from reabsorbing salt! It's also a diuretic  which means you end up excreting the water with the salt.

Hope this helps :)