Tuesday, January 28, 2020

V&M Underarmour Acai+Mulberry Brightening and Detoxifying Deodorant

Bought this on BOGO ages ago and it seems I haven't reviewed it yet? So strange.

Anyhoo, I really enjoyed the first bottle of this around a year ago because it smelt good and really helped with keeping those pits fresh as a second step after a first deodorant. As a primary antiperspirant/deodorant, it wasn't quite so great as it wouldn't last the whole day on me if I wasn't sticking to air conditioning.

However, now that I'm using a tawas stick, I noticed that while the second bottle was still pretty good at keeping the stank down, it ended up clogging my pores :( I'm pretty sure it isn't the tawas as I was using that for quite a while. Did I overdose on the alum? It could also be that I'm older so my skin is different, but either way, I'm discontinuing use.

Pity as the package looks good and it works great as a second step. It's also rare that it comes in a spray form with a decent nozzle. I also like that the expiration date is clearly printed and that its shelf life is relatively long.

This product costs Php 555 ($11 thereabouts), but as it often goes on sale at half off or BOGO, I think you can easily give this a try if you're interested in natural and local alternatives to antiperspirant. It's 50ml and lasts a good while, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work.

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