Saturday, April 11, 2015

Richenna Bubble Dye

This was bought last year during one of the sales and came with a free nail polish, as seen below. I forgot how much this costs, but it was less than P300. I bought this Richenna Bubble Dye in 1L Light Brown because I knew it wouldn't turn out that way with my coarse dark hair, and it didn't disappoint.

Richenna Bubble Dye in 1L Light Brown

This bubble dye kit is composed of:
1. Dispenser
2. Bottle of developer
3. Bottle of dye
4. Conditioner
5. 1 set gloves and capelet
6. Instructions on paper (not pictured)

What doesn't come with the kit, but you will need is:
1. Cotton swab
2. Clips
3. Towel that's reserved for dye

Richenna Bubble Dye Components

One thing I like about bubble dyes is that the dye and developer come in separate sealable bottles unlike most traditional dyes where the developer is in the applicator. Aside from the fact that it's pretty hard to break or unseal the top of the bottle properly in a non-bubble kit, it dissuades patch testing. Here, I used a cotton swab and one of the caps and mixed a small but equal amount of each bottle and test on skin for 48 hours.

Richenna Bubble Dye and Developer Bottle
Another thing I like is that the bottles are marked for different hair lengths: 25g for short hair, the whole bottle for medium length hair and get another 25g for a set for longer hair, maybe 2 bottles total for super long hair.

I put the appropriate amount from both bottles into the dispenser. DO NOT SHAKE. Turn it upside down a few times gently so that foam and pressure doesn't build on the inside.

On an unrelated note, I love how this kit's dispenser is actually shaped like a bubble.

I used a clip to secure the capelet around my shoulders, then another to section my hair into 2 large bits (upper and lower head). Some people prefer not to section (which you CAN do with bubble dye) or still section it like you do non-bubble dyes. I like to divide my hair into two so I'm sure not to miss any bits of hair. I then placed on the gloves and did most of my hair except for the roots.

If you want to move around the house and don't have a dedicated shower cap, do as I do and clip the capelet around your head and turn your capelet into a DIY shower cap! Also, while the instructions say to leave it on for 20 minutes, I left the dye on my hair for 30 minutes before adding it to my roots and waiting another 15 minutes.

After rinsing with water until clear, I used the conditioner on my hair and dried using a towel. The towel I use is on the darker side and reserved for hair coloring. Here's the result after a few washes:

As expected, even with a longer-than-usual application, my hair is still a dark brown. I can't picture it properly since the lighter ashy brown to copper tones don't really show up unless under direct sunlight. I quite like the result, especially since there was always a risk of my hair turning copper-orange!

If you have coarse hair, I would recommend a total of 45 minutes of dye time since I feel that you'd go orange if you wait any longer. People with finer hair might stick to the recommended time instead.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Bath and Body Works: Rainkissed Leaves

I got this set a few years back and ignored it because I thought I'd get a sporty scent and I wanted to finish my current bath products before diving into a new one. I decided to open it because it's been with me for way, way too long and boy, was I surprised: Rainkissed leaves isn't your typical scent and you'll immediately love it or hate it.

At first sniff, it's fresh and just green.  After a few whiffs, it gets a bit lighter and sweeter while you lather in shower. It then turns warm and woody and musky. It's hard to describe but it seems like a scent that's both sensual and unisex at the same time.

The lotion isn't very thick and seems to have stronger middle and base notes compared to the gel. It's actually very usable for the summer since I find that my body heat reacts well to it, making it smell /feel much warmer.

I feel refreshed whenever I use this product, but at the same time, I feel like I can fall asleep.

I think people should definitely try this scent out before buying it because some people might not react as well with it. However, I'd buy this again in a heartbeat.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Altchek MD: Daily Exfoliating Cleanser

Upon C's recommendation, I decided to purchase this as my previous cleanser, Clean and Clear, was running out. Now, if you haven't noticed, this is a totally different cleanser from my last. For one thing, it costs P795 for 240ml in Beauty Bar. It's not a luxury brand but it's no drugstore find either. It's a bit cheaper in the US for $14, available at Ulta - and it goes on sale there.

For another, this product is mainly glycolic acid (AHA) based, though it boasts other key ingredients as vitamin C, Calendula extract, fruit acids and reservatrol. I'm not sold on how these help at their concentration, and in a wash off product to boot. I also don't know why fruit acids aren't described as AHAs here. My skin doesn't react to this at all, so it at least it doesn't hurt.

The pump packaging is sturdy but makes it hard to transport. I need half a pump of this cream cleanser and rub on my face for 30-60 seconds. It contains these smooth exfoliating beads, and while it doesn't lather well, it spreads evenly and lightly exfoliates my face.

My skin feels moisturized after using, but that could be because of the glycerin and silicone in this product. I don't get any zits from the product, but others who are silicone sensitive may have issues because of this. It doesn't prevent acne formation as much as salicylic acid based cleansers do (when I do something stupid like not sleep), but my face is definitely smoother.

I'd recommend this product for those with drier and less acne prone skin types or as an alternate cleanser/scrub.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Long vs. Short Hair

More than 50% of my adult life has been spent with long hair. It's not because I'm overly fond of it or anything, but because I've found that long hair is:

1. Easier to maintain daily - no need to blow dry or style in the morning (or sometimes even comb).
2. Needs fewer salon visits - once or twice a year would do
3. More versatile hair styles

However, short hair definitely has its advantages, and I've definitely been feeling it.

1. Cooler - because long hair heats you up, especially during summer
2. No split ends
3. No need for conditioner

Right now this is a con for me: I'd rather use up my conditioner (because I have a lot hoarded - I don't need to buy any for the next year or so).

4. Removes the temptation for perming

And, depending on your style…

5. Does not get in your face

The most important factor for the things I'm doing now.

I guess I'm maintaining my short hair for a while.

For those who want to cut their hair for the summer and have at least 8 inches to cut, you guys may be interested in donating it. Do a quick google search: Papemelroti and David's Salon might be easy avenues to donate your hair for wigs for cancer patients (I had mine done during the latter's event).

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Human Heart Nature Overnight Elixir

Last Christmas, I got a nice surprise from my favorite, C: a red paper bag bearing the Human Heart Nature logo.

A peek inside revealed a bottle of their Overnight Elixir. I'd been eyeing this since its release (P995 with the sunflower oil free), but I wasn't really interested in getting that freebie and I wanted to try it out first (only their physical stores give samples). Imagine my delight when I saw this baby!

Human Heart Nature Overnight Elixir Packaging

This is the "old' packaging of the HHR Overnight Elixir. Newer editions have a yellow, more cheerful pattern. If they haven't changed the scent or bottle packaging, I'd think this version of the packaging is more appropriate. I haven't checked if the newer bottles are different.

The box comes with easy instructions on how to use it. I prefer using 3 drops for my face and neck and apply it by massaging it in quickly. I didn't pay much attention to the label part because it felt too much like pro-organic marketing. However, those who like their products on the more natural side might prefer this for that reason.

They also provide a list of the active ingredients and what it's supposed to do. A lot of the product is sunflower oil (which may explain the new packaging). I didn't use the sunflower oil on my face but this product has several differences with its predecessor:

Human Heart Nature Overnight Elixir

The bottle is made of glass and contains a lot less product (1 oz). As you can see, the entire thing can fit between my thumb and index finger. The HHR sunflower oil was made of plastic and was prone to collecting dirt on the side. The way this product is packaged, it doesn't get filthy. However, this bottle is prone to breakage so I dare not move this around, and have had several mini-heart attacks while using it.

The dropper is very strange for me because you press the top of the dropper (pushed like a button, actually) to get the product. If you're familiar with the Body Shop Drops of Youth Concentrate, then this is very similar to it. To use: press once after unscrewing the bottle, then take the dropper out and let the drops fall naturally. The dropper can't pick up much product, but I need much less than what gets picked up.

Human Heart Nature Overnight Elixir Dropper
The serum itself is clear to lightly straw-colored and on the runny side. It also doesn't spread as easily as the Body Shop Drops of Youth. The HHR Overnight Elixir needs 3 drops for a light application on both my face and neck after bathing. It absorbs slowly for a serum (even compared to an oil like the Bobby Brown Extra Face Oil): around an hour. I can't put any other skincare products over this during that time. In the meanwhile, it gives a nice glow as long as it's not applied too thickly.

Warning: This product is meant to be applied lightly! Don't put too much on your skin or you might break out.

The best part for me is the smell - which is a mix that includes rosemary and lavender- that helps put me to sleep at night. I wake up with soft, moisturised skin which lasts through the morning wash. Because of this, I end up not using anything on my face but sunblock after cleansing (even if I know I'm not supposed to) without any visible repercussions.

I would buy this when I run out, but since I need so little - this will last a very long time - I won't need any replacement anytime soon. This is the oil that I placed in the Bobby Brown sample bottle, and while I'm on my second refill already, I still have around 3/4 left.

For those who want to buy it, you can get it cheaper (and sometimes with freebies) at their website. Promos change and appear sporiadically.

Edit: Reviewed Human Heart Nature's Pure Rosehip Oil too :)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Film: Cinderella (2015)

I love Cinderella, and I have watched most Cinderella movies/plays/musicals I could get my hands on. It's why I was very excited to watch this film even though it's a children's fairytale - a fact I could see with my own eyes as the previous showing ended. I prepared myself to be disappointed, because how much could you do with a children's story that's been done a hundred times?

I was pleasantly surprised by Sir Kenneth Branagh, who I know best as an actor in Hamlet (and whom others might know as Gilderoy Lockheart). While faithful to the core story, this version included an emotional depth rarely seen in its older predecessors, unlocking the motivations in previously one-dimentional characters and turning them into people. See: appropriately evil stepmother Cate Blanchett.

It also succeeded in translating fantasy into reality by a rich and textured visual experience that, while looking vaguely historical, could never be mistaken as a period film. This film is magic, and I'm not just talking about the something that Helena Bonham Carter brings. While Cinderella and Prince Charming are nice to look at, the beauty of this film is the story and how the story was told.

And it was told well.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Highlands Coffee: Truyen Thong

The last of my hot Vietnamese coffee, from Highlands Coffee: Truyen Thong. This is the coffee meant to be used with the traditional vietnamese filter as seen in the picture.

Lighter and sweeter than the Moka Blend I used when I showed how to use the phin filter, this coffee still gives that kick that Vietnamese coffee is known for.

Highlands Coffee Truyen Thong

I wasn't able to take a picture of the back but they do contain directions and a nutrition facts. However, the calories written there were insanely high and I choose to believe they're for the combination with milk and not alone. 

I usualy drink this sans milk because I find that it gets too sweet otherwise.

Now, I know that the ASEAN opening is happening this year and that Highlands Coffee is already in the Philippines. I'm hoping things will become cheaper or more varied though and that Philippine taxes don't suck so much.

Looking forward to more choices from around Asia!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX

Something new on my wish list: the Laneige Water Sleeping Pack _ EX. Thanks to 2 generous samples, each good for 2-3 uses, I was able to try out this sleep mask - and it did not disappoint.

The gel is thick, light blue and it's scent (while I can't define it) is relaxing. It's not enough to put me to sleep but it does put me in a good mood (chill vibes before bed). I, as instructed, put a decent amount  (no scrimping) on my face for best results. The gel is cool and spreads easily enough. It takes a long while to dry so I either read a bit or try to sleep on my back. When I wake up and touch my face, it feels a bit sticky - like mochi.

Wash it off and my skin looks and feels very hydrated, even if I'm stressed or if I just get a few hours of sleep. I look like I got a lot more sleep than I really did!  I think this'd be perfect for special events and after those long days of hard work - it's a treat to put on and it helps you look more human the next day.

The key to this product is the glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which are really great for moisture. For best results, use after an essence so the mask can seal it in.

For those who can afford it, I'd recommend this mask. As for me, I do want it but my wallet says I can live without this product XD. The Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX retails for around P1400 a tub.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

St. Marc Cafe

Now I'm not sure if this came with the cronut craze, or just one of the international brands that have been steadily infiltrating the market (watch out for the ASEAN opening for more), but St. Marc Cafe has been in the Philippines for a while with branches in Greenbelt and Megamall.

St. Marc Cafe Logo

 The logo of St. Marc's Cafe is their ever popular Chococro: a chocolate croissant. From the outside,  there are food replicas of their drinks and desserts (very Japanese) along with a menu. Traffic is high inside but most people don't stay long. Ambience in the Greenbelt branch is generally good. The interiors are a bit on the darker side, but there are few couches so you're not very inclined to stay for long periods of time. The best part of the cafe are the sweet smells from the baking area. The worst part is the occasional dropped glass.

Chococro and White Chococro
I've tried both the original Chococro (P55) and the White Chococro (P65). The price was decent for the serving size. While I did like the sweet filling, the dough was on the cold side and I didn't find it flaky enough. I wish the baristas offered to reheat this since I was dining in. I may try it again if the pastry I'd get would be fresh.

Matcha Latte
What I do keep coming back for is their Matcha Latte. The small is at P130 with P20 increments between that and the largest at P170. For me, it's a very good blend of strength, milkiness and bitterness. I find that most american coffee shops have green tea lattes that are too thin and too bitter (try Gyokuro for sweet caffeine love). Remember to stir since the sweet parts since the heavier, sweeter part tends to settle on the bottom or just have it unsweetened.

Will I go again? Yes, I'd go just for the tea latte.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Pillowman at CCP: Sandbox Collective

Last night, I went to CCP to watch a play, the Pillowman as done by the Sandbox Collective.

I got an unpleasant surprise I found as I discovered that it was a "Multi-Media Staged Reading."

In other words, I got to watch a screen as 4 actors performed behind a black curtain.

I don't know which group I'm more disappointed in: the Sandbox Collective for failing to supply the correct details or Ticketworld for not doing due diligence.

While the former's Facebook account does say what it really is,  below is all the info you get from the latter site:
The Pillowman Details
Aside from failing to properly advertise their show, the entire thing lasted closer to 3 hours than the promised 90 minutes.

While half the performers did well enough, reading their lines (admittedly, 2 of them did not need need their scripts and acted their parts out well), I basically paid P618 for 2D rendering of an unfinished performance.

I'd rather read the screenplay or wait for a movie version to come out.

For those who are interested, as the play stars Bong Cabrera, Art Acuna, Jojo Cayabyab and Richard Cunanan, a second reading will be done on February 24 at 8 pm.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Duh Moment

I've accepted that I am, and probably forever will be, acne-prone. One of the reasons is that I have a tendency to sleep without washing my face, sometimes even if I have make up on.

Some time ago, I got a bunch of zits near my hairline and I found it super unfair that I got them because even if I did wore make-up, I triple-cleansed with coconut oil, Bifesta and Clean and Clear. So why did I get those zits?

At first I thought it was my shampoo, which I didn't have problems with before. It took me a while to realize that it was because the facial surface area I cleaned probably wasn't enough. I blended my foundation into my hairline but didn't triple cleanse there, missing the bits that tend to have the most oil.

Note to self: Don't miss your hairline while washing your face!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Favorites: 2015

In honor of Valentine's Day and Friday the 13th, I thought I'd give a short post and reminisce on the best beauty basics I've loved (and lost) over the years.

Best Cleanser: Skintel Soap (Discontinued)

Before Skintel's rebranding as an anti-ageing line in it's multi-hued glory, it used to be an anti-acne line for teens. Their bar soap was the most cost effective way of decreasing my zits, both face and body. This success has never been replicated by the other acid bars I've tried.

Best Toner: VMV Superskin 3 Toner

I've just recently finished another bottle, so this isn't exactly a loss, but I'm on the fence about buying right now since I want to give my skin a rest from antibiotics: this product contains clindamycin. This is also very good for those suffering from acne with oily skin.

Best Moisturizer: Estee Lauder DayWear Plus Anti-Oxidant Creme SPF 15 (Discontinued)

This was a product discontinued a while back and resurrected as DayWear Advance. I had a tub before given to me as a gift, but honestly, I can't afford trying the new version on my own. I really liked it because it was very light and fresh - and prevented me from turning into an oil slick in the middle of the day.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Gluta-C Underarm & Bikini Skin Whitening Gel

I’ve been avoiding it long enough, but here it is: Gluta-C Underarm and Bikini Skin Whitening Gel. Why have I been avoiding it? Because, honestly, I’m not a very consistent user and it isn’t fair of me to talk about it without giving it a fair shake, metaphorically speaking.

However, since it’s been with me for a while now, I think that this is already about the most compliant I can be with this product, and this is what I’ve found compared to its claims:

Gluta-C Underarm & Bikini Skin Whitening Gel Box - Front

1.     Whitening – no, but it has been preventing further darkening. Some would say that I should be using it everyday twice a day for a long period of time to see the whitening effect, but I believe that part of what makes a product effective is how well people can stick to it. And try as I have, I can’t really stick to it.
2.     Delays hair growth – no, but my hair doesn’t grow quickly. More hirsute users might see a difference.
3.     Softens and smoothens skin – yes, it helps prevent unsightly bumps.
4.     Antibacterial – not sure. You can use it without an anti-perspirant and it will keep you fresh for a few hours, but not as well as one.
5.     Fragrance-free – yes. You’re actually supposed to use this product under a deodorant.

By the way, I’ve just been using it on my underarms, so it might be a different case for different areas.

Gluta-C Underarm & Bikini Skin Whitening Gel Box - Back
Now, this product is a water based gel, so it sinks faster than a cream, but not as quickly as I would like. I end up wasting time in the morning just waiting for it to dry so most days, I end up using this only at night. It doesn't seem to stain clothes, but I wait until it's completely dry before wearing anything with sleeves.

I haven’t seen the whitening and hair growth delay on once a day application. Since I can't get to perfect-use, I can just say that at my usual-use, it has no whitening and hair growth retarding effect. However, since it does reduce friction between skin, it might prevent further skin darkening and have a "lightening" effect on some people.

What I do like about this product is that I can use it the next day post wax as it’s perfectly sting-free and soothes the redness that remains. I end up using this as a deodorant for a few days, so I do see value in it: but not as a skin whitener. It also comes in a tube, which makes it very hygienic.

Gluta-C Underarm & Bikini Skin Whitening Gel

Will I repurchase this? Maybe, At P200, it works quite well as a post-wax product without the heavy price tag, but I don't see myself finishing this tube anytime soon.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sample Bottles: Washing and Recycling

Remember an old post of mine about Bobby Brown Extra Face Oil? Well, I may not be able to buy the  full size, but this little bottle is about to host another goodie. Stay tuned!

Bobby Brown Extra Face Oil

How to wash:

1. Clean with dishwashing liquid and hot water: A few drops of dishwashing liquid will do, especially if concentrated. It doesn't have to be antibacterial, but it has to get rid of all the dirt and grime it may have acquired. I like to fill half the bottle, add the dropper, and fill completely before shaking both as one. Rinse well, at least 3 times. When using a tap, put the narrow part of the dropper (instead of the fat end) closer to the faucet to keep it from breaking accidentally if it's made of glass.

2. Clean with alcohol. I do the same thing as with the soap, but let the alcohol soak longer. This will remove anything living on it. As usual, it may be harder to clean the dropper: I ended up doing a second round of alcohol with it. I generally don't clean the aspirator (black thingy) with alcohol. Some people use vinegar or vodka but I like plain rubbing alcohol best.

3. Leave overnight on clean tissue. Make sure the mouths are exposed to air so that the inside will dry out completely.

Fill with product the next day.

Travel sized. Recycled.