Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Surfing the Rustan's the Beauty Source

I was looking at Rustan's the Beauty Source a while ago -for those who do not live in the Philippines, Rustan's is a high-end department store in the country- and I saw this upon clicking Skincare >> Price (Low-High) on the first page.

It's a good thing it was stated that prices could change and that the site was not an online store!

However, given that the store is owned by such a large company, I feel that there should be more care taken when displaying prices. Additionally, I do not understand why a product whose price is upon request is considered  on the low end of the spectrum: To me, it's a better sign that something is expensive!

I didn't really find this site very informative as it is as it only gives the name of the product, brand, price and category of each product: it seems more like an online inventory than anything else. They do have a specials section for events and features section  for product promotion, but they were all very short. I don't know what the goal of the website is; hopefully, it will grow more in the future such that people can gain a further understanding of what the product is and maybe even start a Beauty Box of some sort of it's own (One can dream!).

I'll leave this site alone now. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised in the future.

Monday, June 4, 2012

News: Kanebo Dew Superior Brush Cleanse Pen

Have you heard of it? The Kanebo Dew Superior Brush Cleanse Pen is supposed to be a new (at least to me!) way of spot cleansing so you get rid of all the nasty stuff in your pores. This product debuted quite recently, and I saw it on TV in Japan this late May. However, at 3,000 Yen (3,150 Yen including tax or around 40 USD) for a brush with 6ml of product, I was not very keen buying it.

According to this news release, this pen is meant to be used twice a week after oil cleansing and before normal cleansing (Japanese women seem to wash their face twice: once with both an oil-based cleanser and another with a non-oil based cleanser).

Because the bristles -from 0.7 mm at the root and 0.07 at the tip- are about 1/10 the size of a pore, it seems that it is possible for the brush to be used as a mechanical scrub in order to remove build up on top of pores. Among other things, the liquid in the pen contains Niacinamide and somehow involve collagen and sodium hyaluronate (my japanese isn't that good so feel free to translate the text yourselves :) ).

I think that if someone were to buy this pen, he or she could substitute his or own formula after the original 6 ml has run out (even as an external solution). However, I'm not ready to shell out this much money on something this tiny!

Has anyone tried this? 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lazy Sunday Morning at CBTLs

No, the title wasn't a spelling mistake. I've been a bad girl and went to 2 different outlets and ended up trying all 3 drinks.... I think you're supposed to get a maximum of two only (one hot and one cold)...

Anyway, CBTL's (Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf) Open House opened at 10 am and offered 3 new drinks, Caramel Cream Tea Latte, Caramel Ice Blended Drink and Caramel Macchiato. I was there at X branch  by around 10:20. Going to this branch was a BIG mistake for me since there were a lot of people who knew about the event. I felt bad for the baristas, who were very nice, since they were stressed by people who ordered (one customer ordered 17 drinks!- most of the customers came from an event occuring nearby). I also felt apprehensive because this turnout might lead to this branch being one of the exempted branches from participating in the next Open  Houses (which would be very disappointing since it is one of my favorite CBTL branches to date).

Caramel Cream Tea Latte 

I ended up reading a meg magazine while waiting for this drink (it took a while since there were so many people). I didn't like all the noise going on (everyone kept talking) and went out as soon as I finished my drink. Anyway, the Caramel Cream Tea Latte wasn't very caramel-y to me, which I did like (It wasn't too sweet). This was my favorite of the trio; I imagine this easily pairing with their cakes (I love CBTL cakes!). I don't know if it's just me though, but this drink seems best drunk during a rainy day (instead of the sunny one today).

Coffee Bean Open House

Today on June 3, 2012 at 10 to 11:30 am, Coffee Bean (Philippines) will be having an Open House for their Caramel treats!

There will be some exceptions, but what a great way to start the morning :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Stupid Mistake

It has only recently come to my attention that I have been very stupid making such a big oversight!

I don't wear make-up often and often wash my face just once with a facial wash/soap. However, I try to use sunscreen everyday (when I go out, at least). Someone recently pointed out to me that I'd need extra help washing it off. Thus, oil cleansing has become a nightly ritual before using cleanser.

I would suggest using a commercial oil cleanser since they would already have emulsifiers in them instead of pure oils. I've only recently finished up my DHC Cleansing Oil.

How To:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel. It does no good use dirty hands to clean one's face.

2. Pump enough oil to cover both palms and gently massage onto face with light strokes. You can warm the oil slightly by rubbing your oiled hands gently together. Take this time to relax.

3. Wet hands slightly and pat face until the oil turns milky. Do this at least twice until most of the oil seems to have emulsified, allowing it to be rinsed off easily.

4. Splash face at least 15 times with warm to tepid water. I'd suggest getting a shallow basin and filling it once or twice if you're averse to using running water.

5. Follow up with your normal cleansing. The previous step may not have removed all the oil and other gunk.

I'd suggest using a make-up remover prior to this when using make-up.

On another note, I am very lucky that I have been using VMV Armada as my sunblock and have not broken out because of it (also recently finished).

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I'm back from Japan! And I brought with me a lot of extra baggage. Around 10 pounds. Unfortunately, it's not in loot....

It's tummy fat!!! Japanese food is yummy and the servings are big. 10 pounds in 2 weeks.....

Time to diet. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Highly Placed = Highly Valued

I've recently heard a talk regarding drugs in the Philippines -of the illegal kind. The speaker used the scare into compliance tactic in his speech: Apparently, there is a zero tolerance policy towards drugs; if you are found with 1. drug paraphernalia or 2. in a place where a raid occurred, you can pretty much be assured off a spot in jail.

In the Philippines, it is a LITERAL spot as you'd be very lucky to get even enough SPACE to sleep in.

It's good that this person, this agency, is taking their/its job seriously. However, what if somebody drops (1) in your bag while you aren't looking or you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Clearly the phrase "innocent until proven guilty" does not apply in this case. It does, however, apply to money laundering when involving high profile politicians.

Is this a good or a bad thing? It's good if you're guilty, bad if you're not. And this person stated without apology that, in effect, it would be regretful if you were innocent but if you were there on the wrong time, then you are going to jail. It is your fault for being somewhere shady in the first place. And you will
lose a chunk of your life while experiencing all of the wonderful experiences of Filipino prisons.

Remember that in the Philippines, aid from the government is usually only for the wealthy and the powerful.

Say no to things that are bad for you, whether it be physical or legal.

What is worse? Taking illegal drugs or robbing a country?

Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble + Whoopie Pie

Have you tried the new Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino in Starbucks? It's a cup of sugar-sourced calories. I liked how gritty it was, especially when I grinding my teeth, compared to the traditional Mocha Frappucino in Starbucks. Also, that they used a different color for the whipped cream.

Mocha Frappucino (left) Whoopie Pie (center), Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino (right)

Starbucks suggested pairing it with a Whoopie Pie, so I did. There's something strangely fun about eating something that resembles Cookie Monster while drinking something with the word "cookie" in it. Especially if you're sharing it with friends and giving it Cookie Monster's voice...

Buy Again?

Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino: Maybe in a few months. While it tasted good, it really isn't something I could see myself drinking regularly (I prefer my drinks smooth in general). I'd rather go buy a traditional Mocha Frappucino and save my money and possible fat for something else.

Also, beware of food particles sticking to your teeth. Not very attractive to find something brown stuck there while you're talking to another person.

Whoopie Pie: Maybe in a few months. Again, though it was yummy, I can honestly say that the best thing about it for me was the eyes.

For all Starbucks Philippines Planner holders (me!), note that you have a BOGO coupon for a frappucino this may. On that note, time is running out on the Monday Starbucks promo. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Guess what's this picture for?

If you look to your right, you will see a couple of sample cleanser and toner boxes...

vmv superskin 3 toner bottle plus samples

Yes, I'm going to be travelling. And it's always a good idea to pack travel sized items for short trips abroad. I'm going Japan!!! I will be posting my experience in getting a visa shortly in another post. If ever I have people actually reading this blog (is there anyone actually there?), I'd just like to say that I will not be posting anything during my 15 day stay (which is the limit for Filipinos).

I'd also just like to share that I was able to get the VMV Superskin 3 (for oily skin) toner with with a 25% discount. It was previously P700 ($16), but is I got it for P525 ($12). I will be reviewing it in the future. But just a little about VMV. VMV Hypoallergenics is a Filipino brand gone global. It is most famous for the Armada series sunscreens (which I might do a review on). Unfortunately, it also has international prices. VMV is notorious for price increases (I actually dread every sale because it probably means another price increase), so I only buy during sales.

I was once able to get the full sized scrub, toner and nourisher (moisturizer) from the Superskin 3 line much less than it costs now *sigh*. I used this combination during my high school years. While the scrub and nourisher where very gentle, the toner was much less gentle and definitely the heavy hitter of the lot. Though I experienced less break outs for the two month period I used the trio religiously, it reduced my teenaged acne by only around 40% (which was still bad during that time); I had to use a different cleanser and spot treatment at night and brought it up to around 60%.

The current toner's sale price is less than (P80) $2 of the old regular price, I think. I don't think I am re-purchasing from VMV until the price becomes more stable since the constant sale-price increase cycle depresses me.

This specific toner is not available in the US; something else called a mandelic acid primer is sold over there.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Starbucks Promo

If you live in a rock, like me, you might not know that Starbucks is taking half of certain frappucinos on Mondays. Time and duration depend on location, but in the Philippines:

2-6 PM until May 28, 2012.

It's the perfect time to hang out with your friends over coffee. For those without a large budget, you can treat your mom to a belated mother's day frap ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Review: Methode Swiss Thermal Therapy Eye Essence

Bought at Sasa in Hong Kong, this product is not available in the Philippines. This product was one the first "higher end" eye creams I've tried, and I'm very satisfied with it. It was bought quite a while a go so I'm not quite sure how much it is but it is on the expensive side. I haven't been using it consistently since I've added a retinol eye cream at night. It definitely lightened my under-eye circles by a shade or two when I used it, but only while I was using it.

I've lost the box it came with (so I can't give the ingredients), but this is a 15ml pump bottle. Since it doesn't come in a pot, it's more hygienic. However, you can't see how much product you've used since there is no indicator. One day, you're just gonna pump to find that there's nothing left. I also foresee me having to break the bottle to get the dregs of the product out. This product is made in Switzerland and there is no chance of the cap breaking or any accidental loss. There is also a manufacturing date at the bottom of the bottle so you know when to throw yours out.

One pump is enough to cover both eyes. I didn't have wrinkles when I used this so I don't know if it will help with that, but it hydrates the eye area well. After immediate application, you will feel your eye area growing hot, but it subsides after a minute or so. Added bonus, if you use this after you wash your face, you're less likely to fall asleep afterwards.

It takes a really long while for this product to sink in, around ten minutes or so. It's definitely moisturizing and my eyes never feel dry when I use this product 2x a day. Also, it doesn't give any sun protection so you still need to use something afterwards.

-covers undereye circles (cosmetic?)

-no sun protection
-doesn't sink in quickly
-no indicator of amount of product left

Buy Again? No. It's not locally available, and for it's price, I feel I'd be able to get a better eye cream with actual sun protection.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Alcohol in Toners?

Most people would say that you should not use any toner (or face product) that has alcohol in it, and I agree. This is because of it's drying, inflammatory and oil stimulating properties. Thus, for most people, alcohol-free toners are the way to go. And it should rightly be.

However, alcohol-free toners are rare among low-end products in the Philippines. A good, cheap replacement may be a green tea or apple cider vinegar toner. Short shelf life for the first and the smell for the second are drawbacks to these two options. Witch hazel may also be an alternative, but be sure that there is no alcohol in the distilling process or the ingredients list.

On the other hand, I'm not much bothered by the alcohol content in a toner. I live in Metro Manila, Philippines: There is a lot of pollution over here and oftentimes even a double cleansing (oil and water) may not be able to take everything off at the end of the day. I also prefer not to wash my face in public. No other toner works as well in removing all that gunk as well as an alcohol-based one on-the-go or after face washing (You cannot use your toner as a replacement for your cleanser).

It may not be the healthiest solution, but I can live with it (for now). Thus, at the moment, any product that has alcohol content is not necessarily a turn off for me. Call it hypocrisy, recklessness, youthful folly. Maybe I'll be better (or richer) when I'm a bit more grown up. I've seen that some toners are effective, even with their alcohol content. Some faces are also capable of bearing the alcohol. I think I'm one of them. Here's hoping for the best.

I know I will probably regret this in the future.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Review: Clinique Acne Solutions Spot Healing Gel

For someone as acne prone as I am, there will always be a need for a spot treatment. Spot treatments are basically the precision attacks you use to kill zits when they are already there. I've tried several spot treatments and this is one of those I favor. Clinique's Spot Healing Gel's active ingredient is 1% Salicylic Acid.

clinique spot healing gel

It's actually my second bottle of this stuff. The first bottle I had had a green cap, which I like more than the white one. There was also some spill-over when I first opened this one, which was a bit of a waste of product. Fortunately, you only need a small amount, being a SPOT treatment (don't put it all over your face), so my previous bottle lasted me 2 years.

clinique spot healing gel

This product leaves a clear film over the zit. It is best used on newly formed zits (hit 'em while they're young). There is a stinging sensation when applied to the face, though it is not as bad as Eskinol Dermaclear-C Overnight Pimple Gel (that burnt my zits so bad, I had brown spots where my zits were when I placed it on overnight). I prefer to apply this after I wash my face in the morning and at night. Baby zits are gone in one day.

On zits that have already come to a head, this product initially makes the zit look works. It then takes a few days to work. DO NOT worry your face while this is happening. GROSS ALERT!! One day, the film will peel off with the hardened pus inside, in my experience.

I like that I don't have to use a cotton swab or even my fingers. When placed, it leaves behind a film, and should not be used under make-up. I prefer salicylic acid over benzoyl peroxide because of the carcinogenic and bleaching properties of the former. Of course, this product is not the only spot treatment I use as it has shown limited effectivity.

clinique spot healing gel

-effective on baby zits
-quick dry
-lasts a long time
-easy to use

-stings slightly (may not be good for sensitive skin)
-can't be used under make-up
-not effective on all zits

Buy Again? Maybe. Yes, unless I find a better clear spot treatment in the next 2 years.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kerfuffle: A Difference in Opinion

Just this afternoon, my brother and I were talking about "big words" and the people who use them. These "big words" which usually have at least 3 syllables aren't usually used in daily life and often have simpler counterparts.

Example: kerfuffle.

According to him, it is better to use smaller words, especially in writing. This is so the reader is able to better understand the text.

Example: fuss.

But the word kerfuffle to me is different from the word fuss: The essence may be the same, but there are differences between the two, as two slices of new york cheesecake from different sources may have different tastes, textures, presentation and price. I myself am fond of the former example because of the light-heartedness the word implies for me (because it sounds close to fluff).

As to NOT knowing the meaning of the word, a dictionary (or dictionary app) can always be used to find its definition. Sometimes, it is not even needed! The use of context clues may help clarify the meaning of the word. In fact, children often learn what words mean without being given the actual definition of a word.

Learning is a wonderful thing.


If you do decide to use big words, you should be very aware of what these words actually mean. There is the chance of embarrassment when pointed out by a more knowledgeable companion.

Also, be prepared to be called a pompous pie hole and the like.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Electric Kettle

One thing I can't live without is an electric kettle. Even if the sides of this thing are plastic (I prefer metal), I love this because it's pink. While I'm not too fond of the color itself, it does add a bit of cheer to the area. It can also hold 0.5-1.8L.

A quick source of hot water is always a must in my book, though it gets much less use now that it's summer.

As soon as you plug the device in, a blue light comes on,

which turns red while boiling.

This feature is useful as it reminds me that I have hot water available, which I am prone to forgetting mid-boil, and to unplug the device after use instead of leaving it plugged all the time. While other people might not need this reminder, I definitely do.

Avoid vampire power, unplug your devices after use :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Goodbye NY Times

I've recently found out that, once again, the NY Times is limiting its access to non-subscription holders from 20 to 10. Now I can only read 10 posts from the site every month. Though it is offering an 8 week subscription at $0.99, further subscription would cost more than what I am comfortable shelling out for an international paper (given that I do not live in the USA), even with a student discount (which I'm not sure is applicable to me).

It depresses me because this was my favorite online newspaper. It seems that quality news will cost me. I guess now I'll have to get news fix from somewhere else. Any recommendations?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Review: Avene Eau Thermale (Thermal Water)

Some people say that the best things in life are free, but this product is really expensive!

avene thermal water 150 ml

Though much cheaper in the US , this product costs around P700-1,200 ($17-28) in Asia. This is my second bottle of this stuff, though because it delivers. Avene Thermal Water helps calm down my irritated skin, and is especially helpful now that it's summer: I can't live without it in my bag. Just mist over your entire face and let dry naturally (I don't pat dry).

Unlike those other sprays, which have about the same effect as splashing tap water on my face (admittedly with some effect, but I'd splash my face with ordinary water instead of buying those), this spray gives instant results with less redness and that refreshed feeling even under layers of make up. The mist is very fine and you can experiment as to how far you want this from your face.

It also lasts longer than expected so I don't have to spray as often as other sprays. While I occasionally use this to set my make-up, I go around with a bare face most of the time and I still find it dead useful for that hydrating, soothing effect.

- cooling/refreshing
-portable (150 ml for my bag)


Buy Again?
Yes, once I run out and I have the funds XD

Friday, April 27, 2012

Iced Tea at Home

It's summertime right now and it's really hot! Beat the heat without air conditioning with a nice cold glass of iced tea.

Actually, anything cold will help, but I was craving The Chocolate Kiss's Iced Tea, so I decided to make my own.

.5L water
2 tea bags (tea of choice, I chose a black tea)
2 calamansi

1. Boil water
2. Steep tea for 10 minutes in a tea pot (I aim to oversteep a bit so I can add water later if I want to dilute it)
3. Squeeze calamansi into pot (don't let the seeds get in)
4. Fill glass with ice
5. Place honey in tablespoon, pour from teapot to spoon to glass (repeat until desired sweetness level is reached)
6. Stir and enjoy!

Note: you can add more water/calamansi/honey as needed. Also, all that ice WILL turn into water, especially if your pot is still hot when you pour (but I couldn't wait)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner

Since I have less than a quarter left, I think it's time to review this tea tree toner. This is a picture of how much toner I have left after shaking process:

I love tea tree oil and I've been buying some version of the oil itself since high school. But let's see how the toner fares.

This toner smells like tea tree oil and doesn't seem to have any fragrance, so I bet there's a significant enough amount of oil in there. There is also witch hazel extract, which is also good for the skin. However, it also contains something they label "lemon tree oil" which is NOT tea tree oil. I don't know what skin benefits this may have, maybe as a deterrent to insects? Don't let it fool you! In addition, this product contains castor oil so you might have to be careful. This product contains alcohol, but I've already said that I don't mind alcohol in my toners.

What makes this product different is that it contains a significant amount of corn starch. I love the act of shaking the toner because I enjoy "interactive stuff" (because I am a child). Now, corn starch is great for mattefying, being a powder. However, it's a cheap enough ingredient that I'm not happy it takes a significant portion of the product (3rd in the ingredients list). Because it's a starch, you also run the risk of sbacteria feeding on it. While the tea tree oil may negate it, I wouldn't recommend putting it near any area that is prone to stinking up or that is acne prone. While I didn't break out with this product, and it was a mild enough toner, it wasn't really helpful for clearing out my skin.

Will I repurchase this product again? No. Not for the price, and not for something with corn starch.

Though being a tea tree toner, this may be better for someone who is preventing break outs and not for someone with acne prone skin.

-contains tea tree oil
-contains witch hazel
-you shake it ^^

-contains cornstarch
-contains castor oil
-contains alcohol (con for others, but not for me, see my opinion about alcohol in toners)
-expensive (650 for 250 ml)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Review: Bench FIX Styling Stick

bench fix styling stick

Bench FIX Styling Stick (with matte finish)

This is an oldie, so I've forgotten how much it costs, but it lasts forever. It's a 30g twist stick of wax with a twist cap. While there are instructions on the stick on recommended use, I only use this product to smooth out my hair downwards. It's excellent on fly-aways, although you have to be careful to use only a little bit, otherwise it looks greyish and stuff will stick to it.

What I like best about this product is that you don't have to touch the product, so no sticky residue on your hands. It's much more convenient to put it in your bag for on the go touch ups (for example, when you go to the gym) than to use sachets. It has excellent holding capabilities to that effect and looks natural (but doesn't feel like it).

You also don't have to fear for spillage since it's a solid and uses a twist cap (instead of a dispenser). It doesn't smell as nice as the other bench waxes, though it is strong. Some hair might get stuck on the wax, but since it's a solid, you can easily wipe it off (more hygienic).

I wish there was a manufacturing date, but since it's on my hair (not scalp or face!), I don't feel too bothered about it.

-convenient (portable)
-no contact necessary
-excellent hold

-best for "flattening" (I'd recommend using other products for active styling)
-no manufacturing date

Edited Note: I've heard complaints of this product being hard to wash off. It is, because it is a wax. Use a gel if you prefer something easier to wash off. Also, waxes are best on DRY hair while GELS are for WET hair, which is why it's better to use a wax on the go.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tutorial: A Noob's Eye Make-up

This is the first time I've done my eye make up for an event. My sister, who normally does my make up for me (because i am n00b), is gone for the next X years. :( (IMY SISTER)

So I did my it all by myself and it turned out quite well. I wasn't able to take a picture of it before the party, but I got a lot of compliments for my eye make up. I took a bunch of pictures when I got home. This is after being on my face for over 6 hours so it doesn't look decent anymore.

Without flash:

I actually placed black eyeliner but the eyeshadow went over it, creating the blue line. There has been some debate over whether to put it before or after, and I chose to do the former. I'm putting it on after next time.

With flash:

Note: Tools and make-up belong to my sister (heehee).

I used these four colors from the Stila Barbie pallet:

stila barbie pallet

And this is how I did it:

eye makeup tutorial

This is meant to be read like an english comic (left to right, up to down). Click to enlarge image :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Review: Fashion 21 Dipliner

This is my newly bought Fashion 21 Dipliner. I'd been using my old one for over 2 years and I had to throw it out (because unlike a pencil, you cannot sharpen dipliners and as it can go INSIDE your eye, it's better to throw it out after 1 year), so I bought a new one today.

fashion 21 dipliner with expiration date

What's nice about this liner is that it's cheap at P115 (around $3), so I don't feel too bad for disposing it.I also like the non-tube packaging. Also, it comes with a manufacturing date (circled-this one at 21/2/12) so I know when I should be throwing it out.

fashion 21 dipliner swatch

The tip is flexible so you can get a nice thick line or a thin one (top to bottom). Though it isn't a true black, you can layer it on or not wipe it too much before applying to get a deeper black. It's going to need to dry for a lot longer if you do the latter, so don't open your eyes for 15 seconds to prevent smudging. Afterwards, THIS DOES NOT BUDGE on my oily face. Unless you rub your eye, it's there to stay!


  • cheap
  • with manufacturing date
  • long lasting (nearly anything proof)


  • not a deep black

I'm not very good at applying make up so I prefer using pencils, but I just love this product.

Edit: May 15, 2013. I may have gotten oilier, but right now, this liner lasts less than 8 hours now. I am probably not going to buy this product again.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oversharing About Underarms Part I

Ever since I've reached puberty, I've had 3 problems with my underarms.

1. Hair
2. Skin darkening
3. BO

There are many ways to get rid of the first problem and they all come with pro's and cons. Also note that they also all have risks of ingrowns, etc.

1. shaving
+can be done continuously (you can always look "hairless")
+cheap on the short term
-expensive in the long term (considering how many blades you'll need over your lifetime along with shaving cream)
-hair grows quickly after one day
-possibility of nicking skin
-may cause skin darkening

I avoid shaving unless I'm in need of a quick fix. I think it's a good idea to have a razor stocked at home in case of emergencies.

2. plucking
+slow return of hair
+may be done at any time (you can always be "hairless")
+cheap (all you need are tweezers)
-time consuming
-may cause skin darkening

This is only to get rid of any stray hairs: I don't use it as my primary hair removal method.

3. epilating
+slow return of hair
+cheap in the long term
-expensive in the short term
-hair has to be a certain length

I like using this, except it doesn't get all the hair sometimes (hair grows in different directions) so you have to change angles.

4. depilating
+hair grows back quickly compared to 3 and 5 (not as quick as shaving)
-possibility of chemical injury

Not something I'd recommend for underarms (sensitive as they are).

5. waxing
+can be cheap (DIY)
+slow return of hair
-hair has to be a certain length
-can be expensive (done in a salon)

When using hot wax, i tend to burn myself (darkening my skin in the process), and I can' get the hang of using sugaring or cold wax. I prefer having it done professionally, and be hairless for a around 10 days, but it does get expensive.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tutorial: How to Jump Start a Car

visual guide to jump starting

Take this with a grain of salt. I'm not responsible for your car troubles. This is just what works for me.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nails: Layering

I haven't been able to do my nails lately, and I've only recently realized that I don't have my preferred top coat lying around. I've been forced to use the Seche with 1 dropper-full of Restore Thus, bubbles galore coz I can't use it well...

wing it wine over liquid leather nail polish

Raw (without cleaning): One layer of China Glaze Liquid Leather with one layer of NYC Wing It Wine Creme

Use two different polishes to create a new color. This one reminds me of a glittery version of Lincoln Park After Dark.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review: Eskinol Dermaclear-C Facial Cleanser

eskinol dermaclear-c facial cleanser

So I've finished this bottle and am off to get a new, bigger bottle as soon as I can.

I've been using this for a while as my on the go toner (since it's a small bottle) and when I am on a break-out streak (aside from my "go natural" stint). There is a smaller and a larger size available, but I bought the 75 ml one. This toner really gets all the dirt out. It's harsh on the skin -it's alcohol based- so I wouldn't recommend it for sensitive skin types. I use this once a day at most, since it is a strong toner. Don't forget to moisturize after!

It's also very cheap, so you don't feel bad about using a lot of product at once: I like to drown the cotton when I use this toner. I also tend to clean the back of my neck more when I use this compared with other toners(TMI). The smell reminds me of hand sanitizer, in the days before they added scents to them.

-Deep cleaning
-Contains Salicylic acid

-Alcohol-based = Harsh on skin (the only drawback, but a dealbreaker for most normal people, I like the clean feeling... see my opinion about alcohol in toners)

Buy again? Yes!

I'm not sure, but I think the packaging has changed. Though it say's "Facial Cleanser," this thing is a toner. I have no idea why it's called a cleanser...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tarragon Tea

Today was my first time at Sonya's Garden! Sonya's Garden is a popular garden/inn in Tagaytay, Philippines. I was fortunate as the flowers were in bloom at this time, so I recommend that you go there before the flowers fall. Aside from the garden and inn, there is a restaurant, spa and panaderia (bakery).

I was able to take a look at a room at the inn with my family, and it looked amazing (go to the site for pictures). Unfortunately, I coudn't possibly afford the rates if I were to go with my friends. :(

I didn't end up in either the spa or restaurant, but at the panaderia: the cheese hopia and scones are a must try.

What I did end up buying was a pack of tarragon leaves. As soon as I went home, I made this:

Tarragon Tea!

1. Pick 5-6 leaves and put them in the bottom of a cup. Mine came in a bunch so I dumped the entire thing without checking how many leaves there were.

2. Add enough boiling water to cover the leaves and swirl for a few seconds.

3. Discard the water and add enough water to fill the cup.

4. Steep for 5 minutes

Tarragon tea smells like rootbeer :O

Natural or Not?

So, I've done it: I've spent one month of my life without using many "unnatural products" on my face aside from my cleanser. For the past month, I've been using:

1. The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner
2. Zen Zest Tea Tree Oil (as spot treatment)
3. Calamansi (as a mask)
4. Honey (as a mask)

I may review these better in the future. However, I have found that they are not suitable to my needs. Though some of them seemed helpful, they were not very effective at stopping zits with my stressful lifestyle.

So, I'm going back and adding tretinoin to the mix. Also, going to the derma as soon as I can. :) Hopefully, my face will fare better (I'm too ashamed to post pics).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Review: Lioncity Dermatograph

Have you heard of a dermatograph? It's a wax (I think? at least this brand) stick wrapped around paper. They say you can use it to write on different media, but I use it as a replacement highliter for words written in newsprint. This is because normal highlighters are too thick and tend to stain the other side of the paper.

-cheap (Less than P15 or around $0.50)
-come in a variety of colors
-convenient (no need to sharpen)
-fun (I love the unrolling process)
-allows you to track usage (unlike highlighters that will run out unexpectedly)

-lighter than highlighters (you'll have to use a heavier hand)
-like a pencil: it can break unexpectedly, and you'll never be able to use the stub when it's about an inch long
-string may give out

The Lioncity Dermatograph tends to be variable in quality: some sticks are definitely better than others. I can work around some of them by using my fingernails to remove the paper if the string breaks, but it gets really annoying.

lioncity dermatograph

Friday, March 2, 2012

Review: Cutex Instant Nail Whitener

Sometimes, it's best to hide your sin of keeping nail polish for too long on your nails! As it is something I do occasionally, I try to keep a concealer for my nails. I've been using Cutex Instant Nail Whitener. These coat your nails white to hide those yellow stains. It makes your nails look french tipped, so I also use this instead of doing a french tip which I have trouble doing.

- no DBP, Toluene or Formaldehyde
- dries quickly

-hard to maneuver brush, can streak if not well done.

I still consider nail brighteners to be polishes, just one you don't need to use a base or top coat for :))

one coat cutex instant nail whitener

Last 3 fingernails have 1 coat on. Ring and thumb sans nail whitener. Looks just like a basecoat, which is why the instructions are to have 2 coats.

two coats cutex instant nail whitener

You can see the difference now. Last 3 fingernails have 2 coats on. Ring and thumb with 1 coat whitener.

Buy again? No, this bottle will last me a while and I'd like to avoid getting yellow nails in the future.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To all (incoming) freshmen

When your teacher gives you a recommended reading list, especially a primary textbook, you should make the effort to read it, even if the teacher doesn't tell you to.

What is covered in class is sometimes not equal to what will be covered in the exams.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's In Your Vanity Case?

I've recently gone to an interview and had to bring some make-up with me. Everything I need for everyday makeup is now inside this case.

Note: This case also doubles as a pencil case for me so aside from the pretty-fying stuff, I have these:

USB, stapler, staples, pencil lead, clips, post-its and pens.

This kit contains:
1. Hand sanitizer- always clean your hands before touching your face and make-up.
2. Baby wipes- to wipe off your face before putting anything on
3. Lip balm- to prep your lips
4. Moisturizer- to prep your face
5. Liquid foundation
6. Powder foundation
7. Kabuki brush
8. Blush
9. Lipstick
10. Lipgloss
11. Eyeliner
12. Hair wax
13. Hair pins
14. Hair ties
15. Nail file
16. Perfume
Edit: 17. Comb! Can't believe I forgot to list it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A quick tip 2

Have to remove nail polish?

If you're gonna remove your nail polish, you might as well cut your nails beforehand. It saves time and nail polish remover, especially if you're wearing glitter polish (which take years to remove. It also makes sure that your nails are stronger when you cut them compared to post nail polish remover strength).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Only Filipinos will get this, I'm afraid XD

There is one lesson I have learned
From experience, this is earned

When at home, you must take care
never to be unaware

You must always have on hand
the greatest weapons in the land

Against man's greatest foe today
The flying force that comes our way

Wield the hammer strong and sure
Aim the arrow to ensure

Victory! And never miss,
The deadly thing known as ipis

Friday, February 17, 2012


The trouble with instant hot chocolate: the marshmallows are too few and tiny.

Whenever I feel too lazy to make my own hot cocoa (with equal parts sugar and cocoa powder along with milk and water), I break out that instant pack of liquid goodness(Nestle or Swiss Miss). Whenever I get one with Marshmallows, I feel sad when I see those tiny little things that melt too quickly in my cup.

Thus, I like having a few colored marshmallows on hand.

These are the perfect size for me: small enough to fit in my mouth on a sip, but large enough not to melt completely after a minute. Having a little color in my cup also cheers me up.

I do not recommend snacking on marshmallows, but for hot chocolate? Marshmallows are perfect.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hungry? Have a yoghurt parfait!

Thinking about honey makes me hungry. Actually, I i just get hungry a lot. So I made something that can be called a yoghurt parfait, but with just one fruit. It actually looks more like a breakfast cereal, except using apples (because an apple a day keeps the doctor away!).

Slice half (or a whole) an apple in a bowl. Now since I had honey on hand, I drizzled a teaspoon of it on top of the apple, but you don't actually need it (like I needed it with papaya).

Then load with yoghurt. It looks just like cereal! This yoghurt was made with full cream milk, so it's a lot sweeter than the lower calorie alternatives.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Review: Bench Fix Professional Molding Clay: Clay Doh

Sachets! You gotta love 'em. While some countries prefer Jumbo sizes, the trend in the Philippines is the use ofsachets: aside from being convenient, they are cheaper (in the absolute sense-which is a necessity in a third world country where people may not be able to splurge for a larger version). If you manage your product well, you can actually make your sachet last for more than one session. Like samples, which these are sometimes, they are excellent for people who don't want to commit to a product. I don't use hairsprays/gels/waxes often (sometimes, I barely even brush my hair!), so I'd rather have these little things than a jar of something I will barely use.

Anway, this is a single sachet of the stuff. 4 grams worth of product, for I forgot how much. It describes itself as having a 5/5 hold and 1/5 shine (in the bench range of hair products). The thing on my finger isn't dirt, it's a bit of the clay :)

bench fix professional molding clay photo

I used that bit on my finger tip to coat the top of my fringe. As you can see, it seems shiny and white close up, but it doesn't look like that in real life, it's just the light reflecting off the product.

On a sidenote, I am that hirsute! (at least facially :|)

bench fix professional molding clay on hair

Why I prefer hair wax:

-doesn't give that greasy look that pomades give
-easy to wash off
-doesn't give a wet look like gel does
-doesn't dry my hair out (like gel)

I use this to tame my hair and hold curls. I don't want wet/greasy hair! Since I don't use it for extreme styles (which gels are better for), I have no problem with the hold.

Why I prefer this wax:
-hold is good
-smells good (I don't like the smell of hair gels in general)

I admit that I don't try the other popular brand here (Gatsby) because I find the ads too masculine looking. lol. So I can't compare it with other waxes (just with other hair products in general, so maybe this shouldn't be a "review" but a comparison of the 3- wax, gel, pomade? I'm not gonna change it. Maybe talk about it if somebody asks).

A little product goes a long way, but with my current hair, I can use up a sachet in one go.

Add something sweet

I'm on a honey mask kick right now.

I've been plagued with acne since my recent allergic reaction. In an attempt to stop it, I used tretinoin on my face nightly. It made my face sting since I usually use it only 2x or 3x a week, but I persevered. Unfortunately, I think I had a bad reaction to formalin or something under the mask I was using (maybe due to the heat or poor circulation); my mouth region started to burn! It was mildly painful, so I washed it off and added some moisturizer as soon as possible.

Now, I'm using "natural methods" to heal my face. Right now, that means honey and calamansi (a citrus fruit; family Rutaceae- the local, cheaper version of lemons/limes) with more of the former than the latter.

I like to drink tea while waiting for the proper time to remove my mask (20 mins or so, some people leave honey masks overnight). I've been using honey as a sweetener (which I do sometimes) because I get too lazy to get the sugar. There is definitely a taste difference between white sugar, brown sugar and honey; you can prefer each type for different foods. However, I was wondering which one was healthier. Everyone keeps saying use honey instead of sugar, because it's sweeter and it's natural/good for you (actually because it has a lower glycemic index), but should you really?

Note: I used 21 grams because it's what's relevant to me (as I'm comparing it with the honey I have which says 21 grams is 1 tablespoon; 21 grams is around 6 teaspoons, 15 grams is around 1 tablespoon ). Stats from wikipedia

21 grams Granulated sugar:
-81.27 calories
-nutrients higher than 10% suggested daily values: none
-glycemic index: 64*

21 grams Brown sugar:
-79.17 calories
-nutrients higher than 10% suggested daily values: Iron (15%)
-glycemic index: 64*

21 grams Honey (21 grams):
-63.84 calories
-nutrients higher than 10% suggested daily values: none
-glycemic index: 31-78 (from wikipedia), 30 for raw honey*

*from "Glycemic Index: Where Do Sweeteners Form?" at 10/14/11 - not mine :)

Wikipedia says that brown sugar, being denser though, packs more sugar than white, so unless you have scales at home, you might be consuming more brown sugar than you think! An added benefit of honey: you can't make a "heaping" tablespoon out of it.

If my honey actually scores a 30 on the GI, then honey is the way to go. However, for small quantities (for instance, in my tea- milk tea too), I think I'd prefer using brown sugar, thank you. Why?

1 tablespoon brown sugar has less calories than 1 tablespoon honey, and since I don't usually eat carbs during my study time, the glycemic load isn't that much.

Using honey is less convenient than using sugar (since honey is runny/messy) and I end up with too much honey in the spoon and less in my tea, and thus end up putting even more honey.

I don't have a container to share it in for tea with others :)

I'm just lazy that way.

Edit: according to this other source (, "Glycemic Index) which gives honey a GI of 55, sugar has a GL of 8 while honey has 9.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Subspace Coffee House

subspace coffee house raspberry mocha

A Raspberry Mocha at Subspace Coffee House. The little raspberry syrup leaves reminded me of hearts (just in time for valentines).

This little coffee house has very interesting decorations, so it's fun to pop in once in a while. Unfortunately, it's only open until 11 pm Mondays to Saturdays. I wish it were open longer. I tend to do my best studying after midnight :)

Every 1st and 3rd monday of the month, Subspace gives free upsizes!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Review: Dove Go Fresh Waterlily and Fresh Mint Body Wash

I've been blogging a lot for some reason. I don't know why, but I don't expect it to last.

I'm a sucker for anything minty, so that was an automatic plus. This body wash gives you a light tingly feeling, which I love (some people might not). It doesn't come off as a mint scent, more like a "clean" scent. I feel that this is a unisex scent (as most clean, unflowery scents are to me), which I'm not too fond of.

This is a good "after PE/gym" bath product (since it makes you feel and smell clean. The scent is strong enough to work as a fragrance, so you wouldn't have to spritz anything afterwards. My problem with this is that I don't have any perfumes or lotions that would match with this, so this is doomed to be a "travel/gym/anywhere I can't bring my closet" kind of item. I'd use this as a replacement pick-me-up/wake-me-up if it weren't so. It is for this reason that I wouldn't repurchase this item, unless someone gives me a lotion or perfume that could match with this.

Don't expect this body wash to lather very well, or moisturize like a lotion.

-minty feeling
-clean scent
-not expensive

-doesn't lather well*
-doesn't moisturize well**

*lather is not correlated to cleaning power. It just feels and looks better.
**for a dove product (maybe I'm not using enough?).


I don't have a gym membership. I'm on this trial thing where I get a certain number of days in a gym for a limited time period. Unfortunately, all the machines intimidate me. I just end up going to the Zumba classes (the whole reason I paid for the trial thing: in the Philippines, these trial things aren't free :( which sucks). I enjoy those classes since it makes time fly, but since my gym buddy is gone (you know who you are!), I don't feel as motivated to go.

For some people out there who want to get fit, it might be in your best interest to have a friend go with you to motivate you to get your butt in shape.

I guess I'm one of those people who aren't meant for the gym (especially without a companion). I think I have to use alternative exercises instead after this trial thing runs out.

Speaking of butts, I've seen the way some people dress for the gym. Some of them even have make up on! I doubt they use foundation (I haven't gotten close enough to check, I'm shy...) but they definitely have blush going on.

For me, make up + sweat = icky. I've never gotten over that fact. I wonder how some people can stand it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Trouble Sleeping? Try aromatherapy!

This is a bottle of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Pillow Mist.

I must say that I used to be an insomniac, and this helped me when I had trouble falling asleep. Lavender is my "it's time to sleep scent" along with Chamomile tea. Having trigger cues such as the flavor of tea or the scent surrounding you helps you sleep by constant association, along with the natural properties of the substance.

When you want to go to sleep, make sure that:

1. your lights are off
2. your tv is off
3. you haven't exercised recently
4. you aren't thinking about anything

I only use extras such as this when I had more trouble than normal. Of course, I've been having the opposite problem recently: I've been sleeping way too much.

It's better that you don't associate your sleeping area with other activities. I end up sleeping while studying when I do it on the bed T_T

This product may irritate you, so check before buying. For me, the only real con of this product is it's smell: it's so good! It makes me want to smush my face into my pillow. It's bad because I might suffocate myself and the pillow could be dirty and contribue to my zits.

Still, I keep this at my bedside table for when I want to remind myself, that it's time to snooze again :)

Edit: my nails are one layer of Jade is the New Black by OPI with China Glaze's Atlantis at the edges: the product of too much goopy quick dry top coat (I get the same results with Seche Vite and Orly Won't Chip :|).

Review: Seche Restore

Unlike it's hard to use relative (Seche Vite), I actually like Seche Restore. With Seche Vite, I get awful goopy results, along with any other quick dry top coats.

Use Seche Restore to thin out your old polishes and resurrect them from their old, dried, clumpy state. Unfortunately, this comes with a couple of cons.

1. The packaging is horrible.

Look at the picture. To the right is the pipette for the Restore. I have no place to put it, so I keep the original packaging since I don't want it out in the open.

2. If you look at the ingredients list or the warning label, you will see that it contains toluene. It says that this product may "cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm." A quick search on the internet shows that toluene can cause neurological damage. Also, due to schoolwork, I have found that substances such as toluene can cause taste and smell disorders. It may not seem like much compared to the others, but it IS a valid concern, and the one I'm most worried about right now.

I will not repurchase this product, though it does work (though I have been doing worse, what with my constant exposure to formaldehyde :( ). It's not worth the risk. Hopefully, they will find something better to replace it. Good bye old polishes. At least until something better comes out.

TIP: DO NOT over expose yourself to your nail stuff. Once a month will do and be sure to have open air circulation.

On that note, given the love of air conditioning, how many nail technicians have been overexposed to toluene and the like?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Patch testing

I often do not patch test for allergic reactions. It's bad, I know! I want to do this for box dyes but I don't know HOW am I supposed to patch test these products.

For those that have separate bottle for the peroxide and a tube of dye, you can put a little of both in a separate container, mix them, then test on yourself. Unfortunately, the boxes I've bought have a non-sealable container for the peroxide. Then I think to myself: this stuff will decompose pretty quickly and I need to keep this on for 48 hours (H2O2 -> H2O). So I end up putting it on anyway without a patch test :( I take it all off if it itches, but it's not a good way to do it.

I do patch test for facial products (because it's really easy!). However, recently, I patch tested a product on my jaw line for 7 hours. It was fine. However, when I used it the next day, it seems I had an allergic reaction after 5 hours on my face! It was horrible :| I'm still paying for it right now.

Urgh. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe my face is just weird.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Although I know that mouthwash isn't strictly necessary, there's just something about it that I love. Maybe it's because:

1) It freshens breath
2) It wakes you up

I don't really care that much about the germ-killing effect (with possible temporary dryness), though I hope it helps since I'm horrible at flossing (how do you floss your molars? I've never been able to do it :( ).

Although, you still have to be careful that the mouthwash you use doesn't stain your teeth (Chlorohexedine). I use mouthwash only 3x max a week because I drink a lot of coffee and tea.

What does make me curious is how come most people prefer to use a dilute version of mouthwash versus a concentrate. The concentrated solution is just a bit more expensive, but you get at least 3x more of the product. Sure, the diluted version is good for kids (who cannot be trusted NOT to check the label before swilling a mouthful of concentrate) and for travel, but the concentrate does it's job longer. I love the fact that you can control how hot your mouth will get by changing the amount of water you use. I just don't see why diluted mouthwash is more popular than concentrate.