Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oversharing About Underarms Part I

Ever since I've reached puberty, I've had 3 problems with my underarms.

1. Hair
2. Skin darkening
3. BO

There are many ways to get rid of the first problem and they all come with pro's and cons. Also note that they also all have risks of ingrowns, etc.

1. shaving
+can be done continuously (you can always look "hairless")
+cheap on the short term
-expensive in the long term (considering how many blades you'll need over your lifetime along with shaving cream)
-hair grows quickly after one day
-possibility of nicking skin
-may cause skin darkening

I avoid shaving unless I'm in need of a quick fix. I think it's a good idea to have a razor stocked at home in case of emergencies.

2. plucking
+slow return of hair
+may be done at any time (you can always be "hairless")
+cheap (all you need are tweezers)
-time consuming
-may cause skin darkening

This is only to get rid of any stray hairs: I don't use it as my primary hair removal method.

3. epilating
+slow return of hair
+cheap in the long term
-expensive in the short term
-hair has to be a certain length

I like using this, except it doesn't get all the hair sometimes (hair grows in different directions) so you have to change angles.

4. depilating
+hair grows back quickly compared to 3 and 5 (not as quick as shaving)
-possibility of chemical injury

Not something I'd recommend for underarms (sensitive as they are).

5. waxing
+can be cheap (DIY)
+slow return of hair
-hair has to be a certain length
-can be expensive (done in a salon)

When using hot wax, i tend to burn myself (darkening my skin in the process), and I can' get the hang of using sugaring or cold wax. I prefer having it done professionally, and be hairless for a around 10 days, but it does get expensive.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tutorial: How to Jump Start a Car

visual guide to jump starting

Take this with a grain of salt. I'm not responsible for your car troubles. This is just what works for me.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nails: Layering

I haven't been able to do my nails lately, and I've only recently realized that I don't have my preferred top coat lying around. I've been forced to use the Seche with 1 dropper-full of Restore Thus, bubbles galore coz I can't use it well...

wing it wine over liquid leather nail polish

Raw (without cleaning): One layer of China Glaze Liquid Leather with one layer of NYC Wing It Wine Creme

Use two different polishes to create a new color. This one reminds me of a glittery version of Lincoln Park After Dark.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review: Eskinol Dermaclear-C Facial Cleanser

eskinol dermaclear-c facial cleanser

So I've finished this bottle and am off to get a new, bigger bottle as soon as I can.

I've been using this for a while as my on the go toner (since it's a small bottle) and when I am on a break-out streak (aside from my "go natural" stint). There is a smaller and a larger size available, but I bought the 75 ml one. This toner really gets all the dirt out. It's harsh on the skin -it's alcohol based- so I wouldn't recommend it for sensitive skin types. I use this once a day at most, since it is a strong toner. Don't forget to moisturize after!

It's also very cheap, so you don't feel bad about using a lot of product at once: I like to drown the cotton when I use this toner. I also tend to clean the back of my neck more when I use this compared with other toners(TMI). The smell reminds me of hand sanitizer, in the days before they added scents to them.

-Deep cleaning
-Contains Salicylic acid

-Alcohol-based = Harsh on skin (the only drawback, but a dealbreaker for most normal people, I like the clean feeling... see my opinion about alcohol in toners)

Buy again? Yes!

I'm not sure, but I think the packaging has changed. Though it say's "Facial Cleanser," this thing is a toner. I have no idea why it's called a cleanser...