Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cleansing Oil: An experiment

Today I'm going to be experimenting with 3 cleansing oils (because I REALLY don't want to study for my exams tomorrow)!

Warning: very picture heavy.

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil

These are the three I'm going to review:

DHC Cleansing Oil (left) Shu Uemura Skin Purifier (center) Elianto Green Tea Cleansing Oil (right)

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

First I drew this on my arm: 1) Water only 2) DHC 3) Shu 4) Elianto 5) Control

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

After 5 strokes of each substance (i washed and dried the finger i used to apply to avoid contamination), it looked like this. The water looked to be the most effective.

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

After 5 strokes with water, it looked like this. Elianto looked to be the "murkiest."

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

After 5 more strokes: At this point, it seems as if the Elianto was taking out the most dirt.

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

Now DHC looked "cleanest." But...

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

After putting a tissue over, it seems that 3 (Shu) took a lot of marker with it.

DHC, Shu Uemura and Elianto Cleansing Oil experiment

But my arm looked like this after it dried. Close up, you can see that the DHC (2) cleaned up most of the line, but left the most residue. Shu (3) and Elianto (4) cleaned up equally well, but Shu (3) left the more residue than Elianto (4).

I don't know if you can generalize it for make-up, but if stain removal on skin is what you're looking for...

General Conclusions:

1. All three cleansing oils (2,3 and 4) did better than the water only (1) condition.
2. Water (1) still had a significant effect compared to the untreated condition.
3. Using a cleansing oil still means you have to rinse it off well.

I, myself, would prefer Elianto as a cleansing oil because of the price difference between it and Shu and DHC.

Edit: You can actually get rid of the marker stain by rubbing it like a madman, but I doubt that's what you want to do with your face.


To all you innies out there (like me!):

It is very important to clean your belly button once in a while.

You will need a q-tip (or several) and baby oil.

1) Coat the tip in baby oil.
2) Clean your innie.
3) When the q-tip looks disgusting, use the other side.
4) Repeat until as clean as possible.

Don't rush this, as you might hurt yourself.

Extra tip: Avoid leaving soap residue on your belly button, and dry it after bathing ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A quick tip

For those who handle icky smelling substances all the time:

1) Rub petroleum jelly or a lotion on your hands so the smell won't stink so much. Make sure to put a lot under your fingernails; they tend to trap all the icky stuff you might not get when you wash your hands.

2) Use gloves and make sure they fit well.

3) Wash hands thoroughly with an anti-bac soap. If possible, use a nail brush to take out the stuff the soap and your own finger nails can't get (make sure to wash the brush afterwards!)

4) This is optional. Use a hand sanitizer or alcohol (if it smells icky, it might be icky)

5) Moisturize with a hand lotion.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Umbrella! A guide

Every guy and girl should have one!

Coming from the Philippines, I often see people of both genders toting around umbrellas. However, when I go outside the Phil, those numbers decrease- first the males, then the females. I find this strange, considering the sun rises and sets everyday nearly everywhere inhabited. So if you're someone who walks underneath the sun, and you don't wear clothes that cover 90% of your body, you should have one.

So how do you choose your umbrella? The most important thing is to choose the right umbrella for the weather in which you live (or have an umbrella for every occassion):

If the sun is shining, then you should get an umbrella with silver coating on the inside. No ifs, no buts. Open the umbrella under a light; the less light that passes through, the better. I prefer using darker colors since less light passes through, and less light means less UV rays and headaches.

Btw, it is still extremely important to use a sunscreen/sunblock as light reflects off everywhere!

If its pouring, make sure that the umbrella you use is waterproof! No lace or canvass ones, no matter how pretty they are. Also, no wooden handles or pieces, you might damage them from the constant dampness.

Make sure that your umbrella is reversible. Ask your sales lady if it is, and test it out yourself afterwards: Assume a fencing position, and make quick forward and backward movements of your arm until the umbrella reverses its shape, then do the same to bring it back to its usual shape.

The next most important condition to consider is convenience. Do you want to hold a full size umbrella that can double as a weapon/cane? Or would you prefer a fold-able one you can tote in your bag? Full size umbrellas are generally sturdier, but prone to being forgotten (as you leave them outside/in umbrella stands). Also, if you would like an automatic umbrella, know that your umbrella probably won't be reversible, but could save precious seconds in a downpour.

Less important are size and style.

How many people will be sheltering under the shade of the umbrella? For me, an umbrella that can shelter one person is enough, as everyone I know has one at all times. If you don't have one, your loss. However, I realize that some people prefer bigger ones to shade (potential) loved ones, get less wet (especially when they have a lot of stuff), etc.

As for variety, one has many umbrellas to choose from. I used to have this lovely wood and lace umbrella. Not very effective for rainy days (and for sunny days), but it looked quite nice. You can use your umbrella to express your sense of style! As for color, while black is good because it goes with nearly everything, I prefer more vibrant ones.

My Grosser Schatten foldable umbrella (P390 or less than $8)

grosser schatten foldable umbrella

Some light still passes through, but not much :)

grosser schatten foldable umbrella view from underside

My umbrella, partially reversed!

grosser schatten foldable umbrella partially reversed

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Female O

Nothing dirty here people.

Semi-recently, I watched a part of a video wherein Maggie Gyllenhaal was talking about the female orgasm. I didn't get to the end, but the reason why there is a female orgasm seems fairly obvious to me...

She said that females don't need orgasms to procreate, but men do (when they ejaculate, they orgasm). However, don't males follow the female template? After all, the head of the penis and the clitoris share a common origin. Evolution is a tinkerer, and it would be far too much effort to insure that one gender had orgasms while another didn't. It's so much easier to leave it behind.

Also, it can be called an exaptation... It's been adapted to make sex more fun. If people have more sex, there should be more babies! This was true until the advent of modern,effective contraception.

I hope that's what they found at least.

It just freaks me out how oppressed women must have been if doctors couldn't understand what an orgasm looked like in the opposite gender.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Politics: An analogue

Note: I notice that I switch POVs.

A family, representing the people, shall live in a house called the State, with a garden called the Church. Sometimes, the house you live in is an oldie but a goodie. Sometimes, the house you live in is new and shiny. Though there are always going to be a few problems that come from home ownership, a family with the means, knowledge and motivation will be able to fix, and even spruce up, their home and garden.

However, there are houses that are so broken down (inside/outside) that it is beyond the family's ability to help. In that case, either you bulldoze the structure and build anew or sell it to a sucker out there.

In the same way, the garden is supposed to provide a sense of peace. There are small gardens and big gardens; gardens that require a lot of maintenance and those those that do not; and gardens that are well-manicured and those that grow willy nilly. There are some families who do not like gardens, and that is ok. A family member may decide to put a mini-garden in his/her room instead. It is perfectly fine. Unfortunately, we will not talk about families without gardens.

Gardens can also be a source of problems. There might be pests that come and infect your garden. In fact, bird droppings and ants might be something you will need to deal with constantly. You might not even be able to afford the upkeep of a house and a garden. In this case, compromises will have to be made. A sane person will tell you to favor the house unless your garden is a source of income.

There might also be a time when, if the family does not keep the garden in check, the garden becomes overgrown: Trees might affect the foundations of the house; ivy might crumble the walls; and moss might grow in strange places. This is why you must always know the state of your garden!

In this case, to repair your house, you must tear down some of your existing walls/foundations/etc. Then you must decide: to kill your garden and create more rooms; to trim your garden and rebuild parts of your house; to let your garden grow, sacrificing floor space.

If both the house and garden are not worth saving, move out.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oil My Life + Bubble Away Orly

The oils in my life: stuff I'm using now.

Giga Virgin Coconut Oil (I've posted about this: time consuming, but lovely result)
Result: Nice, healthy, shiny hair with coconut-y smell!
Price: Cheap (I've forgotten! see previous post)

Citre Shine Anti-Frizz Serum
Result: Shiny, non-frizzy hair with citrus smell. Need only a small amount or risk lanky, oily looking hair.
Price: Ok, (less than P300, $6 and lasts a long time)

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil
Result: semi-clean face, I don't feel comfortable using this alone. I use it as a make-up remover.
Pricer: Expensive (around P800, $16)

Neutrogena Body Oil
Result: Lovely smelling, soft skin. I love this!!! Bottle gets very dirty easily though. Wish I bought the pump.
Price: OK (forgot how much this costs >.<)

Human Heart Nature Sunflower Beauty Oil
Result: Soft skin. Said to have whitening properties: I use it on my underarm, but no results yet. Can be used on the undereye area. Smells like baby oil to me...
Price: Cheap (P120, less than $3)

Bobby Brown Extra Face Oil
Result: Soft face with nice, herby(?) smell. I love this, especially when the weather gets colder. I only use it at night, because oil will cook my face over here in the morning.
Price: This is a sample, so it's free. The real thing is too expensive for me!

On another note: I'm never using Orly Won't Chip Again!

I used it to revive my mani today. I had a hard time using it because it was so thick (this is why I prefer top2bottom: dual purpose AND easy to use). Two hours later, I took a bath and it bubbled like crazy.

It is bubblier in real life. -.-

Also, got a wound in my big toe from a pedi on my cuticle. Now have to put betadaine on it 2x a day ...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Old Manicures + Stickers

An old manicure I had on a month ago. I placed it on, then a few days later, I also added some stickers my friend gave me. You can actually see where the stickers end. I am so fail.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


People say that eyes are the window to the soul. Maybe that's why makeup artists spend so much time on them, along with erasing imperfections to the skin. Thank you sister!

I wish I could maintain my brows. :(

I'm glad summer term is over. It's time to relax now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Cakes

The three T's:

coffee bean and tea leaf turtle pie, toblerone cheesecake and triple decker cheesecake

Turtle pie (top)
Toblerone cheesecake (left)
Triple decker cheesecake (right)

This is why I have a hard time losing weight.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Review: Superdrug Tea Tree Peel Off Face Mask

-A lot of product (10 ml: may be used twice)
-Strong minty feel that lasts (from the peppermint: this could be a con for sensitive people, but I love the way it cools my face)
-Hardens quickly (unless you put a lot in one area)
-Easy to remove

-Packaging: bad for controlling amount (because it was a sachet)
-Application is messy, gel-like texture hardens quickly (could be a pro for neater people)
-Strong smell (of tea tree)
-Cost: Expensive (79 pesos) for one-use

This made the giant zit on my face come to a point, which is very good for me.

Will I buy again? No, there are cheaper masks that work well and smell better :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I love how papaya tastes! Luckily, I was able to buy one. Add a little honey and you get yumminess! Just make sure you put your honey in a separate container to make sure you don't use too much. With honey, a little goes a long way.

I also used what was left of the honey to create a lip scrub. Just added some brown sugar. Bonus: it has papaya juice from all the dipping!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hair Spa at Home

One of the great things about living in the Phil is having access to lots and lots of coconut oil. Using GIGA Venture's cold pressed coconut oil (left) and bath origins lavender aromatherapy oil (right) and a hair steamer (not shown), I was able to make my own cheap hair spa! I don't remember how much the lavender costs, but the GIGA oil is P180 only (I'm not sure how much in ml.. haha, but it's a lot).

I've used it 3 times already, and I still have around 3/4ths of the bottle left- the oil level's above the label. And I don't skimp on product.

Just pour as much coconut oil as you think you need (which isn't much, i just eyeball it, but I think it's around 6-8 tablespoons for me) in a small container, add 3-4 drops lavender oil and mix. Section your hair to coat it evenly. I like to have three layers from crown to nape: the middle layer is divided into two and the last, bottom layer is divided into three. I use one tablespoon on each section and rub the rest into my scalp.

Clamp hair and steam for 20 minutes. My hair looks like this after steaming.

Wash twice-thrice with shampoo :) It smells coconut-y at first (the lavender cuts it and makes it less harsh) but it disappears at the next wash (I sorta like the smell-haha). Hair is now soft and shiny!

Natural (for those who care)
Coconut Scent

Coconut Scent
Need some sort of steamer (maybe only the steam makes it soft??? I don't think so though... maybe i will experiment or find prior research)

Effect lasts around 10 days for me. But I like doing it every week for that pampered feeling.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sundae Surprise

Last Saturday, I was in the mall craving for a sundae. Since McDo was full, I went to the dessert stall in the food court. I found out that you can ADD toppings! For only 7 pesos, I added hot fudge to my strawberry sundae. Here's how it looks:

Monday, December 20, 2010


I lost my usb connector and only found it now :( It's a new season already :( What have I been up to now...

I received this in the mail! It was from the mystery shampoo thing, but i received it waaay after the event. Anyway, I tried it out for 14 days.

-smells good
-lathers well

-made my scalp dandruff-y after 14 days without an anti-dandruff shampoo (but I can't blame it for not being one too)

It may have reduced my hair fall due to breakage; However, since that really isn't a problem for me, I can't say I saw a significant difference.

I was also able to catalogue all my greens! I have 7 of them! heehee. can you guess the shades?

Compared my nails for holloween and christmas:


Christmas and my first time using seche vite's top coat: I don't like the consistency. It's too thick and I can't apply it very well...

I love my long nails but I think I have to cut them since I'm having difficulty typing.

Wish I could post more. haha.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


It is close to midnight and everyone is asleep. I am at my window. Impossibly, it is open. I look outside. A cool breeze comes in. My heart is hollow, but it feels like lead. I am waiting for something. My upper body sticks out, straining to the sky. I know I can do this. I jump.

I jump out the window and land on a nearby tree. I am deliriously happy, though I knew I would succeed. I start jumping from tree to tree. I stop to steady myself. I fear that something is chasing me, so I go further. I hop from tree to empty lot to tree. Each jump lasts longer, goes higher. Again and again until I feel like I can touch the stars.

I want to touch them. I try and I fail, but it's alright since I can try again.

Once more. I am so close. The air freezes in my lungs as my lips turn blue. I am ecstatic, my hand moves. I am going to touch a star. Then I start to fall. It is gravity, yet it is not. It is slower than I would expect. My heart starts pounding: If I crash, would I die? The sky is beautiful. It is a blanket of dark velvet with little glowing lights- crystals creating an unknown design. I fall and this image blurs. I hit the ground, but I am unharmed.

So I do it again, again, again.

I lose track of time. Then the velvet lightens and orange fire lights up the sky. It is morning and my head feels as if it were wrapped in cotton. I am sad, exhausted, overjoyed. I leap to my window and fall into my bed.

I fall asleep and I wake up.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freaky or Fab?

My amateur nail art! Inspired by the Philippine Flag and the new president of the country.
Orly Witch's Blue, China Glaze Ruby Pumps and random yellow nail art pen.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I didn't want to post this because of the sloppy nail color application, but it's too pretty (for me anyway) for me not to post.

Konad plate something. Base color OPI Suiz Says Feng Shui and konad in china glaze adore.

I like blues and greens.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fortune Cookies

What are fortune cookies made of? According to wikipedia, it is made of flour, sugar, vanilla and oil. However, to me, they smell and taste like Play-Doh. I don't think it's because of the flour and water combination, but what else could it be?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Biore: Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

I bought some pore strips for my brother a week ago for less than $4 (In the US) and tested it.

My brother washed his face. This is his nose before the strip and after cleansing.

I removed the strip from its container, twisted it around then placed it on my brother's face. You have to put it on (1)quickly on a (2) wet nose or else it won't work as well. That was my mistake.

This is his nose after, you can see some improvement. It would be better if his nose was wetter and I was quicker though.

This is the nose strip; you can see that it works. However, it pulled more hair than heads. I should correct that next try.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Cost of Entertainment

It is a fact of life that people wish to be entertained. One theory is that its purpose is to dissuade us from asking the right questions and looking for answers. We continue to preoccupy ourselves with the monotonously mundane and the mindboggling magical. In other words, we’re either slaving away for our basic needs or escaping into fantasy.

A long time ago, the Roman Empire was a force to behold. It held all the cards: Its citizens had everything they could need and want. What they wanted most was entertainment.

They got it.

For this need, a billion animals were imported from around the world to be slaughtered for sport. Never mind that several species became extinct due to the heavy demands of a bloodthirsty populace. The deaths of both animals and people (as long as they did not belong to the group) did not affect them at all.

This was before the television was invented.

However, we haven’t changed at all. Even with all our advancements, we are content with not thinking, not acting. We are content to watch. Never mind phrases such as greenhouse gases, climate change, and natural disasters. The TV needs electricity, shopping bags need paper and the disposable lifestyle is too convenient to forsake.

And if there is some form of entertainment that highlights the need for change, it is only talked about until the latest scandal.

What will happen to the world ten years from now? What will happen to me 10 years from now?

I don’t know, but right now, I don’t think I’d want to know the answer. So maybe I just shouldn't think about it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Water Bottle

When I was in grade school, I used to to carry a large water jug to school everyday. Inside the container was either iced tea or orange juice with a lot of ice. This habit changed when I was in high school: I replaced the sugary treat with plain water. I then used part of my lunch money to buy drinks when I needed a sugar rush. However, I graduated and soon went to college. Carrying something as bulky as a water jug was inconvenient, so I turned to water dispensers and buying drinks in the cafeteria.

I then realized that I was spending TOO much money on drinks when I got thirsty. Thus, just recently, I have begun toting around a water bottle. It's much smaller, and I can refill the contents with the water dispensers at zero cost. Because of this new habit, I have reduced my drink bill by 50% to 70%.

Looking back, I know I'd save 100% if I could stop myself from buying sweet treats, but I can't...

At least water bottles are easy on my pocket, and the environment (think of all the plastic I'm not wasting :)).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Surprising Discovery

I did a frequency count of the top page of the Cosmopolitan Bedside Astrologer 2010 (for the Philippines): I wanted to know if Venus was the most popular planet out there. However, the results were very surprising:

*12 pages total of one zodiac sign/month each

Maybe results would change if I did the entire thing, but I'm too lazy...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jacob's Shawarma: beef and lamb - P200. It was 12 inches long cut in half. I had it to go since I had to study. It was yummy and filling. I wish it were slightly cheaper though...

...because I always have no money. lol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Democracy: efficiency sacrificed for equality.

Sometimes it just doesn't work.

*is pissed*

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tutorial: Aztec Healing Clay Experience

or my favorite way to use aztec healing clay.

1. aztec healing clay
2. honey
3. apple cider vinegar
4. tea tree oil
5. spoon (supposed to be non-metal but...)
6. small plastic container

I placed a heaping spoonful of aztec healing clay into container (I just made sure my spoon was really dry).

Added one flat tablespoon of ACV. I love it when it starts frothing ^^

Added a flat tablespoon honey, then 5 drops tea tree oil and mixed. It's better to add too little in the beginning than too much. If lacking, add more ACV. Make sure you put on a PASTE and not a liquid.

Place a thick layer on face.

How it sucked the oil from my face.

Wash off after 20 mins or until dry with warm water.

Even though it is stinky, it works; It's also really cheap and lasts forever. Not recommended for those with sensitive noses.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nails, my very first konad!

The luxe nail rewards card. Collect 25 stamps of 100 pesos worth each (totaling 2500 pesos) in six months to redeem something. I know I can't do that.

Ruby Pumps worn on Christmas.

The better looking Konad.

My first Konad. Both this and the above were made with Wing it Wine Creme on Sexagon.

My nails from Luxe! Shower Together and For Audrey - my very own bathroom.

NOTE to self: rest nails!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What could have been

I drown in a thousand "if only"s
Of "if"s and "but"s and "maybe"s

If only I did
But had I done

Maybe... Maybe... Maybe...
What was cannot be undone

I regret what is
Remembering what was

What will be
What could have been

My heart hurts.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow! It's been more than one month since I've last posted. It sucks that I have no one to motivate me (as no one is reading this).

It supposedly takes 21 straight days to make a habit, maybe if i got the strength to post everyday, this would be easier...

Speaking of habits, this Christmas break, I should make it a habit to:

1. Floss and use mouthwash
2. Use a 6 step regime for my face
3. Exercise

Wonder if that'll actually happen.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Power Differences

It's sad, but when power is unequal,the less powerful one has to turn a blind eye to the mistakes of the one in the elevated position.

This is especially annoying when the latter takes advantage (even unknowingly)of this imbalance in order to excuse himself or herself without actually apologizing. It then seems to be the fault of the former.

It is unjust; it is reality.

*is experiencing something of that sort*

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Corruption is wrong. We all know that. We protest vehemently against the abuse of power by public officials. We know that what they are doing is unlawful, unfair and unjust.

However, the problem lies not only with those in power; The blame is shared with the very society that embraces it. It is obvious that when a powerful official takes a bribe from a company in order to promote the latter's interest that there is a wrong being done. If these incidents are found out, there is outrage, but there is also resignation. People seem to see corruption as a fact-of-life, and do their best to live with (and sometimes exploit) it.

Let's say you are driving and beat a red light. A policeman comes eagerly and practically announces that he will take P500. You accept, for you want neither a mar on your record or the hassle of reacquiring your license. You go on your way, both annoyed with the necessity of a bribe, and relieved for not having to go through the bothersome business. We would call the policeman corrupt for receiving the bribe, but what do we call the one who gave it? Is he victim or accessory to a crime?

What about a man who has a lot of connections. He exploits these connections: For example, in order not to pay for exorbitant customs taxes, he asks someone he knows to waive it? Connections are valuable here in the Philippines; Patronage is a common thing to both those with and without clout. It is used to obtain mercies unavailable to the common man, and entails a debt of loyalty to the petitioner.

Lastly, it is not only those in government who will lie, cheat and steal to get money from other people. There are thousands of scammers and fixers who, though they decry those they elected for appropriating funds meant for public interest, prey upon both unsuspecting and willing individuals for coin. They simply say that they are trying to make a living.

We live in a culture where corruption is rampant. It is not simply a social evil, it is an inevitable necessity that reaffirms itself everyday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nail Glue: Saizen

After almost one week, I can say that I do not much like the glue I got from saizen; I lost more than five nails in the space of a week. Some of them were re-glued and others are lost forever. It's a good thing I painted 24 nails instead of 12, or else this trial would have gone to waste.

I will be taking off my fake nails tonight.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My First Fake Nails and Art

I bought these during the latest black-out after ondoy.

I used these 3 colors: Orly Witch's Blue as the base with China Glaze's Passion for the flower center and OPI Pink-ing of You for the petals. I used a nail dotting tool, and flowers since i can only make dot shapes :) I used Orly Top2Bottom but I can't find it right now.

I painted all the nails and picked out which would fit on my own.

An example of a nail. You might want to file some of them.

Stuck 'em with nail glue and viola! Btw, these nails have not been filed yet...

Monday, October 5, 2009

My baby

This little piggy is the cutest thing in the world!

Rufus, my porky pig baby!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

On typhoons and the heartless

A typhoon, typhoon ondoy, hit the Philippines on Sept. 26. Many people were killed. Many houses were flooded and some even got swept away by the waters. Roads were blocked and still the rain continued.

Sadly, not everyone felt the pain of those who suffered: They were either immature in that they saw only their own benefit of not having to go to school, or idiotic when they excused the damage as a form of divine retribution. It is disheartening,despite the fact that many have offered their aid, that there are still those who would say such horrible things in the face of human tragedy.

I pity those who are heartless, soulless and without conscience.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Why I don't like smoking

I do not like smoking for four reasons. It is bad for smokers, non-smokers, the economy and the environment. Smokers and non-smokers have to deal with the different types of smoke (first, second and third) with the poisonous chemicals within it. The amount of money spent on smoking related damage far outweighs the tax collected from it, not to mention the loss of productivity. Finally, smoking, aside from being a fire hazard, is a source of a lot of unnecessary garbage in the form of cigarette butts.

You may not care about your life, but I care about mine. Say no to smoking.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nails, I do love

I love China Glaze, especially the Romantique Collection. Though it looks horrible in the picture, Passion is lovely. Though I find CG harder to apply than others, I love how the colors look, so I buy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pancake House

I recently went to Pancake House to try their Banana Walnut Waffles, the new ones made of rye. Unfortunately, it tasted exactly like the ordinary one. I didn't feel it was worth the extra (less than P20) money. I wonder if there are really any benefits to taking that version instead of the original.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The internet is for...

Today, a couple of friends and I were talking about what the internet is used for. In my opinion, the top 3 (from highest to lowest)rankings for internet usage are:

1. Information dissemination
2. Porn
3. Trade

I lump emailing, facebooking and the like in the top 1. The top 3 ranking includes multiply, ebay and the like. The second placer is pretty much self-explanatory.

Monday, August 10, 2009

An obvious exercise for weight loss...

Do you want to loose weight?

Are you eco-conscious?

Then try the elevator exercise!

What is the elevator exercise? Well, it's the judicious use of an elevator in order to loose some weight. If you are going only one floor up, do not use the elevator. If you are going only two floors down, do not use the elevator. Use the stairs.