Last April, I was finally able to finish my hand soap refills from Watsons from their P109 BOGO promo and my Herbal Essences Color Me Happy shampoo and conditioner! It's not much but I was really happy to get rid of some stuff in my bathroom.
For the hand soaps, I got the Lavender Gel and Honey and Cream Cream (not pictured) 500 ml refill packs. I like the Honey and Cream soap more because it's a more unique scent and since it's a cream, it leaves my hands more moisturised. I like that it's quite cheap compared to other hand soap options (especially as a refill), but it's not quite as cheap as Daiso's* P88 for a 1liter bottle option. I find that I get tired of having the same hand soap after a while so I'll probably buy more from the brand, especially their creamier options, if other scents catch my eye.
Herbal Essences Color Me Happy |
As for the shampoo and conditioner, these were inherited from M when she realized I kept using hers. They've been with me for a while, but I've been using them only when I had my hair colored since that's what it's labeled for. I think the packaging has changed, but I do like the way this set looks and pairs together in the bathroom. The set contains
Morrocan Rose and Passion Fruit extracts and it smells quite nice - floral with fresh tones. The shampoo
contains sulfates that make it lather quite well (something I do love), but might bother those who prefer their hair products sulfate-free, especially for those with color treated hair. I'm not particularly bothered by it since I don't believe in sulfates lifting color, but I do tend to wash my hair more on this product (because it smells so good), which does the opposite of preserving hair color…
I really like how this product smells, and it does a decent job of conditioning my hair without leaving my scalp either dry or oily. I would
recommend this product for anyone who loves rose-floral scents, but not particularly for hair color preservation.
*Edited to Daiso, originally Saizen. I get confused :D