Friday, January 22, 2010

Jacob's Shawarma: beef and lamb - P200. It was 12 inches long cut in half. I had it to go since I had to study. It was yummy and filling. I wish it were slightly cheaper though...

...because I always have no money. lol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Democracy: efficiency sacrificed for equality.

Sometimes it just doesn't work.

*is pissed*

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tutorial: Aztec Healing Clay Experience

or my favorite way to use aztec healing clay.

1. aztec healing clay
2. honey
3. apple cider vinegar
4. tea tree oil
5. spoon (supposed to be non-metal but...)
6. small plastic container

I placed a heaping spoonful of aztec healing clay into container (I just made sure my spoon was really dry).

Added one flat tablespoon of ACV. I love it when it starts frothing ^^

Added a flat tablespoon honey, then 5 drops tea tree oil and mixed. It's better to add too little in the beginning than too much. If lacking, add more ACV. Make sure you put on a PASTE and not a liquid.

Place a thick layer on face.

How it sucked the oil from my face.

Wash off after 20 mins or until dry with warm water.

Even though it is stinky, it works; It's also really cheap and lasts forever. Not recommended for those with sensitive noses.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nails, my very first konad!

The luxe nail rewards card. Collect 25 stamps of 100 pesos worth each (totaling 2500 pesos) in six months to redeem something. I know I can't do that.

Ruby Pumps worn on Christmas.

The better looking Konad.

My first Konad. Both this and the above were made with Wing it Wine Creme on Sexagon.

My nails from Luxe! Shower Together and For Audrey - my very own bathroom.

NOTE to self: rest nails!