or my favorite way to use aztec healing clay.
1. aztec healing clay
2. honey
3. apple cider vinegar
4. tea tree oil
5. spoon (supposed to be non-metal but...)
6. small plastic container

I placed a heaping spoonful of aztec healing clay into container (I just made sure my spoon was really dry).

Added one flat tablespoon of ACV. I love it when it starts frothing ^^

Added a flat tablespoon honey, then 5 drops tea tree oil and mixed. It's better to add too little in the beginning than too much. If lacking, add more ACV. Make sure you put on a PASTE and not a liquid.

Place a thick layer on face.

How it sucked the oil from my face.
Wash off after 20 mins or until dry with warm water.
Even though it is stinky, it works; It's also really cheap and lasts forever. Not recommended for those with sensitive noses.