Friday, February 10, 2012

Subspace Coffee House

subspace coffee house raspberry mocha

A Raspberry Mocha at Subspace Coffee House. The little raspberry syrup leaves reminded me of hearts (just in time for valentines).

This little coffee house has very interesting decorations, so it's fun to pop in once in a while. Unfortunately, it's only open until 11 pm Mondays to Saturdays. I wish it were open longer. I tend to do my best studying after midnight :)

Every 1st and 3rd monday of the month, Subspace gives free upsizes!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Review: Dove Go Fresh Waterlily and Fresh Mint Body Wash

I've been blogging a lot for some reason. I don't know why, but I don't expect it to last.

I'm a sucker for anything minty, so that was an automatic plus. This body wash gives you a light tingly feeling, which I love (some people might not). It doesn't come off as a mint scent, more like a "clean" scent. I feel that this is a unisex scent (as most clean, unflowery scents are to me), which I'm not too fond of.

This is a good "after PE/gym" bath product (since it makes you feel and smell clean. The scent is strong enough to work as a fragrance, so you wouldn't have to spritz anything afterwards. My problem with this is that I don't have any perfumes or lotions that would match with this, so this is doomed to be a "travel/gym/anywhere I can't bring my closet" kind of item. I'd use this as a replacement pick-me-up/wake-me-up if it weren't so. It is for this reason that I wouldn't repurchase this item, unless someone gives me a lotion or perfume that could match with this.

Don't expect this body wash to lather very well, or moisturize like a lotion.

-minty feeling
-clean scent
-not expensive

-doesn't lather well*
-doesn't moisturize well**

*lather is not correlated to cleaning power. It just feels and looks better.
**for a dove product (maybe I'm not using enough?).


I don't have a gym membership. I'm on this trial thing where I get a certain number of days in a gym for a limited time period. Unfortunately, all the machines intimidate me. I just end up going to the Zumba classes (the whole reason I paid for the trial thing: in the Philippines, these trial things aren't free :( which sucks). I enjoy those classes since it makes time fly, but since my gym buddy is gone (you know who you are!), I don't feel as motivated to go.

For some people out there who want to get fit, it might be in your best interest to have a friend go with you to motivate you to get your butt in shape.

I guess I'm one of those people who aren't meant for the gym (especially without a companion). I think I have to use alternative exercises instead after this trial thing runs out.

Speaking of butts, I've seen the way some people dress for the gym. Some of them even have make up on! I doubt they use foundation (I haven't gotten close enough to check, I'm shy...) but they definitely have blush going on.

For me, make up + sweat = icky. I've never gotten over that fact. I wonder how some people can stand it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Trouble Sleeping? Try aromatherapy!

This is a bottle of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Pillow Mist.

I must say that I used to be an insomniac, and this helped me when I had trouble falling asleep. Lavender is my "it's time to sleep scent" along with Chamomile tea. Having trigger cues such as the flavor of tea or the scent surrounding you helps you sleep by constant association, along with the natural properties of the substance.

When you want to go to sleep, make sure that:

1. your lights are off
2. your tv is off
3. you haven't exercised recently
4. you aren't thinking about anything

I only use extras such as this when I had more trouble than normal. Of course, I've been having the opposite problem recently: I've been sleeping way too much.

It's better that you don't associate your sleeping area with other activities. I end up sleeping while studying when I do it on the bed T_T

This product may irritate you, so check before buying. For me, the only real con of this product is it's smell: it's so good! It makes me want to smush my face into my pillow. It's bad because I might suffocate myself and the pillow could be dirty and contribue to my zits.

Still, I keep this at my bedside table for when I want to remind myself, that it's time to snooze again :)

Edit: my nails are one layer of Jade is the New Black by OPI with China Glaze's Atlantis at the edges: the product of too much goopy quick dry top coat (I get the same results with Seche Vite and Orly Won't Chip :|).