Friday, February 8, 2013

February: Finished!

Things I’ve Recently Finished: *

1.     Avon Breathlessly Sunflower Lotion: This is a good option if you’re on a budget. It has a very nice scent (sunflowery? - very feminine) that lasts and hydrates the skin well enough. It’s actually a thin lotion so it's best to use it during summer, or use it as a quick hand lotion. I don't feel very guilty using a lot of this product since it's not that expensive.
2.     Neutrogena Hydro Boost Cleansing Foam (a real review here): It was nice while it lasted.
3.     Colgate Fresh Confidence with Strips of Whiteness: I like this toothpaste because it leaves my mouth with a minty feeling that's not as strong as some of the other toothpastes I've tried. I like the "strips" but they're more like little pieces of rock candy for me, the texture is nice but what does it do? I didn’t see a difference in the whiteness of my teeth; I’m not actually sure this is a whitening toothpaste, but it markets itself as if it were. Have you noticed that Colgate keeps saying that all its toothpastes whiten teeth, freshen breath and fight cavities? I did not see any effect on my teeth. As I am an avid coffee and tea drinker, I did not actually expect any whitening, but my teeth actually seem yellower now (so I wouldn’t count on it being whitening at all). This toothpaste has 1450 ppm and no triclosan.
4.     Pantene Pro-V Nature Care Conditioner: Another blah conditioner.  First three ingredients (because I’m lazy) are Water, Bis-Aminopropyl Dimethicone and Stereayl Alcohol. Nothing very natural to me; the “blend of naturally derived ingredients” are low on the list, though it doesn’t have any parabens. I think I didn’t like this conditioner very much because the color reminded me of mucus (when you have a slight infection). It’s a light green color… but at least it washes of easily enough (I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that most conditioners list water as the first ingredient).

On another note, have you tried Clara Ole’s dressings? I’m quite fond of the Vinaigrette Pesto. It’s 200 kCal per serving (2 tbsps) and is oil based, but I love pesto. J


*No pictures. Lack of decent camera woes, as usual. Plus I’m lazy (see my name).

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thoughts: Taxation of Association Dues (ToADs)

A Taxing Society

It’s not exactly a recent event, but for those who don’t know – the BIR has decided on taxation of association dues – we’ll call it ToADs for short. Now, I don’t know if this is a response to the weakening dollar, but this income generating project (for the government) seems ridiculous at best and terrifying at worst.

In case you’ve never lived in a condominium: association dues are a pooled fund used for the maintenance of the building, including the salaries of the staff. The amount given is based on a value set by the homeowners’ association multiplied by how much space you have. In short, it’s the combined resources of several families for upkeep of their homes.

Now, I’m no lawyer but I can see how unreasonable that is because if you think about it: Homeowners earn money via salaries which are taxed (income); this money is used to pay off utilities (which will now also taxed via e-vat) and personnel, who will also be taxed (income). The BIR will acquire a slice from all ends. So why is it that the government has decided on ToADs? There is nothing earned in the collection process (no work was done), it is simply a way to handle the expenses of a large amount of people at one time. As such, this tax seems to be an expression of greed - as a child eyes another’s dinner, knowing that he has his own. I don’t know if ToADs is legal, but I know that it’s not right. A government that allows – even encourages – such a thing is reprehensible because it both discourages its people’s comfort and disparages group organization.

There are two things in this world that are constant: the first occurs only once in one’s lifetime, while the other permeates nearly all aspects of today’s existence. Is it no wonder that I find the former less disturbing than the latter?


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Shi Lin

Just some more food porn for this weekend. Shi Lin is a taiwanese restaurant that has several branches, this one in Podium, Mandaluyong.  We had 3 different types of noodles:

The triangular bowls were actually the most interesting thing about the dishes. However, the beef tasted the best of the three. 

And a serving of pork siomai and xiao long bao. 

The siomai was actually better than the xiao long bao...

How was your weekend?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Art Circle Cafe

Have you guys tried Art Circle Cafe in the University of the Philippines, Diliman?

I had a few pictures but it seems my lappy and phone are incompatible (and I can't figure out how to send my files since the email is screwy). Anyway's it's a small cafe inside the Alumni Center in Magsaysay St. Quezon City.

Try their hazelnut coffee: P110 for 2 cups (comes in a french press or cafetiere). It's air conditioned inside so you can take a break from the heat (it's January and it still gets really hot here in the Philippines).

I tried their tablea cake as well but it did not really appeal to me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

To everyone around the world
Peace be to all on earth

I'm going back to school on the second (way too early) and am seriously not prepared for it. Good luck to future me and to future you.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cuddle Buddy (CB)

This is a term I've been introduced to only this year. According to R, a cuddle buddy (CB) is the female version of a fuck buddy (FB) - which seems kind of sexist but a bit true when you think about it. A FB is someone you go for no-strings sexy times; A CB is someone you go for no-strings cuddle times. Both may or may not be successful. That is, it might actually have complications with regards to the feelings of one or more parties.

With regards to either generally and to CBs specifically, there are some questions I have in my head  and should be in the minds of those who are looking for one!

Is it better to have a friend or a stranger as a CB?
- If the former, a close friend or someone closer to an aquaintance?

Would you ever go on a site looking for one? (granted, I'm pretty sure there isn't one in my area)

What are the risks involved?

What can you do to protect yourself for these risks?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Quick Tip #3

Happy Holidays!

(Greetings to whatever type of celebration you guys are having)

It's a time for eating! I love eating, and I always end up gaining weight at this time. While there are some tips to lose weight out there, the tip I'm giving now is for bloating - how to avoid that excess water weight. Whenever you eat salty foods, drink water and coffee (or something high in caffeine) afterwards. Salty foods make you thirsty, which is why you drink water and therefore bloat. If you don't drink water, you'll end up taking it from places you shouldn't be getting it from. But adding coffee afterwards prevents your kidney from reabsorbing salt! It's also a diuretic  which means you end up excreting the water with the salt.

Hope this helps :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Starbucks: Rekindle the Joy

For any of those interested, Starbucks is offering a raffle on its facebook page (Philippines) as an app*. I clicked the link and saw that it required some sensitive information, which disappointed me - which you would understand if you read my recent post on virtual identity.

One of the prizes was a starbucks planner. Since I already have the planner, I'm not too torn up about it. However, I really am disappointed at the way things are turning out.

*I'm not going to post the link because I'm not sure if it's proper for me to do so.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Review: TWG at Greenbelt

Hi M! This post today is care of my friend M who treated me out to a wonderful girl's day out at TWG in Greenbelt 5! Since we were trying to be poshy-posh (and succeeded) in the restaurant, we did not take any pictures. Because pictures are for tooles and we ARE LADIES!! :D

We got there at 4 pm wherein we were told that reservations were only accepted from 12 to 1 so we decided to walk around until 5 pm. When we came back we were seated relatively quickly (because time for low tea was over) and spent 30 minutes deciding what teas to get.

M's impression of TWG: "Gold and Gilded."

What we ordered:
1. Chic Set Menu - P500
2 Scones with clotted cream and jam (apricot?)
3 Assorted sandwiches (cucumber, turkey ham and shrimp)
Snow Mountain Tea +100 (not a normal tea)

2. Imperial Set Menu - P650
Creme Brulee Tea
Pastry (we had a strawberry tart)
3 Croque Royale (salmon cheese thingies)
3 Macarons

3. Christmas Lights Tea - P195

Very obviously, we decided to have high tea instead ^^ We spent several hours eating. Let me tell you, even with the small, dainty servings, we were able to stuff ourselves mostly because of the teas!

Snow Mountain Tea: neither of us liked this very much. Needed to commit to sugar (a lot of it) in order to be palatable. They say this was a citrus but tasted like the "floweriest of flower teas."

Creme Brulee Tea: when they poured it into our cups, you could smell the scent of strawberries wafting in the air. The first sip was a disappointment tough, but it got better with the second sip. M discovered the sugar on this and made it really good. Half a teaspoon would work.

BTW, the sugar in this establishment/tea house was not in real cube format - aka lumps! M says they could still be considered cubed because of their shape but I do not consider them valid sugar cubes (Sorry M!). So no lumps of sugar for us.

Christmas Lights Tea: M's favorite because it matched the desserts we had perfectly. Didn't really need sugar but tasted good with it. The Creme Brulee tea didn't complement the food while the first tea was horrible.

Morrocan Mint Macaron: Yummy! Tasted like mint. Enough said.

Bain de Roses Macaron: Flowery and ok.

Blackcurrant: Sweet. "Too fruity, lacking substance."

The Macarons cost P50 per piece. I would definitely consider buying the Morrocan Mint Macaron again, though maybe not the other two. I could see myself buying their other flavors to try. While the macaron's were not very elegant, missing the cookie to filling 1:1 ratio, they were sufficiently crumbly and chewy.

I really enjoyed my time there with M. Unfortunately, financial incapabilities prevent something like this from happening as often as I wish.

If you want to have a girly day enjoying high or low tea, then this is the place for you. If you're on a budget, just buy two pots of tea (one per person - it's a rule they have) and enjoy. Expect to spend at least P200 per person, excluding tipping if you don't want to get any food.  While one tea set may be sufficient for a group of two if you just want to experience low tea (I'd recommend the Royal set as it seems more appropriate for low tea), you won't be satisfied if you don't buy at least one dessert per person.

The only negative point of the experience: the servers, while being very nice, polite and helpful, did not seem to be trained to pronounce the names of their products properly. Also, M would prefer that they be capable of recommending teas for your palate/preferences - or give a basic tea test (like you do wine). Hmm... that's an idea, a tea tasting event for TWG! (HEHE, MY IDEA ^^).

Unfortunately, the teas in TWG seem to be VERY EXPENSIVE and the list is overwhelming. I wouldn't trust the tea guide they gave because we found Snow Mountain to be misleading (or was it just us).


TWG is at Greenbelt 5. Their tea sets are available from 3-6 pm.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reflections: Virtual Identity

It is 2012 and I've been thinking that the world has changed so much from the advent of the first computer - and more importantly, of the internet. Nowadays, we are so connected by our machines: desktops, laptops, tablets and phones - almost all of which have some connection to the internet. We use facebook, twitter, instagram and the like to chronicle our lives - mundane or otherwise. Before, each entry into one's virtual life was a matter of creating a story, a thought. Now, a simple or even incomplete sentence will do as we have the power at our fingertips to talk to anyone, anywhere.

Virtual identity. It is now possible to take part of, and steal, other people's lives because we have established a part of ourselves in this digital world where codes create our realities. Everything is now online, or at least available in it such that to lose such a connection becomes akin to losing a limb. I have tried to limit myself, but in vain. I cannot go a week without some device to connect me to this ever expanding web.

But who am I? What I find comforting about this new age, this new landscape, is the ability to create multiple selves with a few clicks of the button. I may have a copy-self: the me who exists in the real world. The one who frets about the lack of privacy, the fear that eventually my every step will be recorded and that this copy would define and overwhelm the me that exists in the physical world... I do not understand how some people are so comfortable of bringing their entire self into this domain. Where they would freely give personal information to a bunch of strangers such that it is normal to give the minutiae of one's life to the horde of friend-aquaintance-stranger and the keys to one's kingdom to service providers that can store this information infintely and sell it to multiple bidders.

It's kind of insane, now that you think about it. Today the tablet (iPad for those able to afford it - especially in the most affluent nations, societies, strata), the smartphone (iPhone, again), the computers (MAC)- ah, truly it is the age of the apple! - when once nobody, or very few people, could even dream it. I'm sure there are other events such as what I feel now that may be even more important - the industrialization comes to mind - but this is what I see now. This is the changing of the world from the century that preceded, if not the millenium.

 I am interested in how this will turn out. Will it get better? worse? Must the self that exists on the net be a full copy of the self that types these letters on the keyboard? Will the world change such that only one's avatar becomes acceptable in exploring a domain that becomes more regulated with each passing day?  But now, while I have the chance,  I will enjoy the little comfort the anonymity of this blog affords.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Movie Review: Rurouni Kenshin

For all of you guys who still haven't watched - why haven't you?- or just want to talk about the movie: here it is. A short review on Rurouni Kenshin: A movie that should have been here ages ago.

I don't need to tell you guys about WHAT Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai X, is about right? It's a live action film now!


  • Cinematography! Loved the way they brought it into reality. It's hard to make something that's set both in the past and is set in anime-world into something that is semi-believable. On that note, kimono!
  • The characters - because I grew up loving them and I can't help but love them more now. Points for the way they were able to emote *coughKenshincough* ... KAWAII!!!! ^^


  • Kaouru's final lines... urgh... made em way too long...
  • Subtitles! Too low on the screen to be watched well


  • Sit in front or in the balcony area so you can actually see the subtitles.
  • Watch with friends

What's your ideal body weight?

So I've been calculating what I'm supposed to weigh, ideally. The BMI isn't very accurate so I've been using Tannhauser's Formula instead. 

For Caucasians:

Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms)  = height (in centimeters) - 100

For Filipinos

Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms)  = height (in centimeters) - 100 - [0.10 x ( height (in centimeters) - 100 )]

I'm still a bit overweight, given this method. I hope I'll be able to diet and exercise this christmas season.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Coffee in a Gas Station

During my trip over the break, I stopped by a Petron station and I saw this:

 All the chicharon you can eat! I can't believe that people buy enough of this that they've stocked all 5 shelves!
 Needed to wake up a bit so I ordered the above. Don't remember what it's called but it's a remnant of the holloween drinks.

Coffee Place
I got it from here. The coffee was just ok so I didn't feel the need to remember this place. But still, not bad. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Review: Cetaphil (Gentle Skin Cleanser)

I’ve always seen cetaphil around, but I’ve never felt the desire to buy it: it’s supposed to be “gentle,” and gentle is not something I felt my acne-prone skin needed. However, one day, I discovered a bottle lying around the house and appropriated it for my own use. Since it had a manufacturing and expiration date clearly marked at the bottom of the bottle, I figured it was still fine.

After 3 weeks of using cetaphil once a day, I’ve realized that this cleanser is not for me. Gentle is clearly not the way to go for my skin. Too bad!

Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,  Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben.

  • Gentle on the skin.
  • Has clearly labelled manufacturing and expiration date.

  • Those who dislike parabens will not like this product. For an ingredient list consisting of 8 chemicals, 3 parabens seems to be a bit much.

  • This goes for other products too: try the small size to see if it works for you before committing to a big bottle.

  • For those who have no skin problems.
  • For those who have sensitive skin.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Food Porn!

I've just had a lovely sem break and I'd just like to share some of the places I've discovered up north.
  • Olives Restaurant
  • Matutina's Seafood Restaurant
  • Sea and Sky Restaurant
  • Kubong Sawali
  • Cafe Isabela

Olives Restaurant is part of the Thunderbirds Resort in Poro Point, La Union. It is really pretty over there! While the hotel is really expensive, you can always content yourself with merienda in their inhouse restaurant and taking pictures while waiting for your meal (like I did). I was able to take a picture of two of the cakes we ordered below. Each cake came with iced tea (I think it costed around P200 on a promo thing).

Blueberry Cheesecake (Olives Restaurant)

Tiramisu Cake (Olives Restaurant)
 The cakes were  yummy and nicely decorated, but the iced tea was the one to seal the deal (my picture is too ugly to be posted so I won't). According to our server, it was a mix of powdered and brewed tea, orange juice, cinnamon and vanilla. The pizza we ordered was also delicious, and was pounced on before I was able to take my camera out, but it was nothing to really write about.

The servers were really attentive and it was a nice hot day, so we sat indoors. The only snag to the entire meal for me was that there were no desert forks for the dessert; dinner forks are fine for me normally but given the location and the fact that their forks were on the heavy side, I'd have appreciated one nonetheless.

On the less expensive end of the spectrum, Matutina's Seafood Restaurant serves good food at great prices. While I was able to take a picture of their sizzling chicken, it's their Crispy Pata that was the real treat (picture unavailable due to hungry people). It was easily big enough for 4 people and costed less than P400, I think. You get a lot more pata then you'd ever get back in Manila. Also, while we didn't order their sinigang, we had some free soup and it was excellent (they also won some sort of best sinigang award). If only we weren't full, we would have ordered some. Matutina has several branches, but we ate at the Tarlac branch. The only con of the meal, the looooonnggg waiting time due to the large number of customers.

Sizzling Chicken (Matutina's)
If however, you want somewhere more intimate, try the Sea and Sky Restaurant in La Union. It's also a hotel restaurant, but not a fancy one! Rooms in the hotel are cheap for those who are budget conscious. But then I'd go to a resort if I went all the way here. The Crispy Pata costed around P200, good for two people and is delicious on the right side of crispy. Like Olives Restaurant, you're actually paying for a great view; while Olives is all landscaped beauty, you can actually hear the waves lapping at you from your table from Sea and Sky.

Crispy Pata (Sea and Sky Restaurant)
 Also in La Union, with a few more branches elsewhere including Baguio is Kubong Sawali. It has excellent sea food, especially with this Tahong Soup Thing (IDK it's real name). The two were bought as a platter for aroung P600 and feeds 4-5 people. Except for the soup, which should feed 2 hungry sillysloths. For smaller parties, you can get 2 starters for P185 which could feed 2-3 people.

Seafood Platter Thing (Kubong Sawali)
Tahong Soup Thing (Kubong Sawali)

Finally, Cafe Isabela in the Bencab Museum is another must see. Mostly for the museum itself! The cafe has a nice view of the surrounding grounds and mountains in Baguio, and rewarding yourself by chilling with a treat after touring the place. The pancake costed P160 with the ice cream at P150. The food is decent, but their vegetables are what make this place appealing (not pictured but eaten - if food comes while I'm eating, it's probably not going to get pictured). My only regret is  that I couldn't try any of their drinks.

Cinnamon Pancake with Banana (Cafe Isabela)
Volcano Ice Cream with Strawberries (Cafe Isabela)
One of the best things about the provinces: good food at good prices.

How was your break?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Review: Sunsilk Pink

I’ve always found myself conflicted about brand re-imaging, repackaging and reformulating. In fact, I feel the same way about any type of change in general. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve lost an old friend, as I felt with the Skintel change. However, I was delighted by the not-so-recent renewal by Sunsilk as it seemed to spur on innovation in other hair brands.

Sunsilk pink or Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Managable under Yuko Yamashita -because she is supposed to be a straight & smooth hair expert- is supposed to keep your hair more manageable with it’s Keratin Yogurt Nutri-Complex®.

Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Conditioner (left) and Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Shampoo (right)
Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Conditioner (left) and Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Shampoo (right)

I have forgotten how much this costed but it was less than P200 (around $5) for the lot.

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Dimethiconol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Perfume, Sodium Chloride, Carbomer, Glycol Distearate, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Disodium EDTA, DMDM Hydrantoin, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Lysine HCI, Panthenol, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Yogurt Powder, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, TEA-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Chloride, Aminomethyl Propanol, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, CI 17200

Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Behentrimonium Chloride, Perfume, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Amodimethicone, Methylparaben, Lactic Acid, Disodium EDTA, PEG-7 Propylheptyl Ether, Cetrimonium Chloride, Lysine HCI, Panthenol, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Yoghurt Powder, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiozolinone, Dipropylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Chloride, Aminomethyl Propanol, Citric Acid, , Potassium Sorbate, CI 17200

 This info came from the 90ml shampoo bottle and 180 ml conditioner bottle I finished.

Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Conditioner (left) and Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Shampoo (right)
Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Conditioner (left) and Sunsilk Co-creations Smooth & Manageable Shampoo (right)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

All the Beauty Boxes

OMG! Beauty boxes are finally in the Philippines. For those who are confused, beauty boxes are monthly subscriptions wherein for a certain set fee, subscribers receive a monthly box full of goodies. These goodies may be trial sized or full sized, and you never know what you'll be getting. 

Here's a list of all the subscriptions i know about. Don't know which one to subscribe to :(

  • - 480 for 1 month (until April 30), 580 starting May. Better deals for longer subscriptions, brands known.
  • - 595 for 1 month. Brands unknown.
  • - 500. Brands known.
  • Pretty Fix Collections -599. Found via FB. Newcomer.
I'm leaning to the bdjbox because I know which brands are coming, but since it's shipping next week, I don't know if I'll make it in time.

On the other hand, if you are interested in trying out new products and want to go a step further: try Unlike Beauty Boxes that are simple pay and receive transactions, sample room works like this:

 Receive 100 points > Get product(s) > Review > Get points > Get product(s)

Latest Edit: April 15, 2014 (prices unedited)

Monday, October 15, 2012


Okay. I haven’t posted in 4 months! Studying is really taking a lot out of me. But I will try to make at least 1 post/month. Because I should have some kind of outlet, right?

Coke: the softdrink, not the drug. I’ve recently gone on a grocery run and bought myself a 2 Liter bottle for less than 50 pesos (that’s a bit over $1, maybe $1.25). I was gonna get myself 2 cans, but a can costs P19 (around $.50) in the grocery (much better than the P25 when I buy it outside). I decided that I might as well buy the 2L version since I’d be drinking it all week to alternate it with coffee. I know it’s unhealthy, but when I have to study, my body does take a hit when I’m on a budget.

 Actually, my wallet takes a hit too.

For me, it’s easy to make this decision during my hell weeks (def. a horrible time wherein I have to stay awake and active for long periods of time in order to complete an infinite number of tasks).

Given life on a student budget, I felt that it would be an acceptable trade-off. However, some people might think that it’s always better to buy something that will save you money in the long run. But what about your health? During 75% of the school year, I would prefer buying the 2 cans compared to the 2L bottle. Why? Because I wouldn’t need to drink 2L. I would have to think twice about opening that can (because I would have to finish that can after opening it) instead of just refilling my glass again and again and again. Cans actually end up staying in the fridge longer than I expect.

  • Think twice about buying that jumbo sized something. Think twice about buying anything at all!
  • Share with friends. A sneaky way not to drink everything yourself.
  • Dilute with ice to drink less. You'd be surpised at how much space ice actually takes up.

Just a few things I found at the back of my bottle:

Coca-cola 2L
Serving size: 240ml
Calories per serving: 100
Total carbohydrate: 25g

Carbonated water, sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

Extra nerd stuff?

What I found really annoying was that the coke bottle gave something about needing X glasses of water/liquid per day and drinking coke to hydrate yourself.

First, there is no actual amount prescribed for how much water you should drink per day since there are many factors that affect how much water you actually need. Second,  coke will only make you more thirsty. Read the ingredients! Hint: one reason starts with an s and the other with a c.

Finally, How come making this stuff is so cheap, yet they sell them in restos for even 100% more than their market price.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thoughts: A question about people

When is the right time to say those three special words?

I love you.

For some people, it is the easiest thing in the world. The sentence dropping from their lips nearly as often as they breathe. For some people, it is an impossibility.

Does the latter bother some people? The former?

It depends on the person. But can a relationship of one and the other survive, or is it an impossibility?

I guess what I wonder is: in relationships, is it better to be opposite or similar to your partner?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Review: Neutrogena Hydro Boost

This may be an older product, but I haven't been able to try it until recently. I've been using it for a month and I think I'm ready to review it. I have no idea what the price is. Sorry for the bad pictures....

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Mousse Cleanser (left), Clear Lotion (middle) and Essence (right)

Mouse Cleanser Ingredients
Glycerin, magnesium aspartate, zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, Olea europaea (olive) leaf extract

Essence Ingredients
Sodium hyaluronate, glycerin, cetearyl olivate, sorbitan olivate, magnesium aspartate, zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone

Ingredients list taken from

Clear Lotion Ingredients
Aqua, dipropylene glycol, glycereth-26, butylene glycol, glycerol, dexpanthenol, benzyl alcohol, sodium benzoate, tween 20, citric acid, magnesium aspartate, zinc gluconate, parfum, sodium hyaluronate, Canarium album Raeusch, copper gluconate

Ingredients list taken from

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Serenitea is one of the more established milk tea shops out there. At P95 for a medium, cold classic milk tea including one sinker (this is a pudding) it's neither one of the cheaper nor more expensive places out there. 

This is one of their bestsellers, Nagoya, I  think.

Serenitea: M Nagoya Milk Tea

I included the chair because I loved the design. I found it very cute :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Review: Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo and Conditioner

Have you tried Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo and Conditioner? I had several sachets of these I'd been using for a while.

Shampoo Ingredients
Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Ammonium Chloride, Dimethiconol, Glycol Distearate, Glycerin, Fragrance (Parfum), Carbomer, Ppg-9, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Amodethicone, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Poloxamer 217, Glyceryl Oleate, Tea-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Tetrasodium Edta, Dmdm Hydantoin, C11-15 Pareth-7, Laureth-9, Peg-180M, Trideceth-12, Lysine Hcl, Silk Amino Acids [ Alanine, Glycine, Serine, Arginine, Isoleucine, Cystine, Histidine, Glutamic Acid], Borago Officinalis Seed Oil [Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Eicosenoic Acid], Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Ext. Violet 2 (Ci 60730).

Conditioner Ingredients
Water (Aqua), Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteryl Alcohol, Dimethiconol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Quaternium-18, Fragrance (Parfum), C11-12 Isoparaffin, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Poloxamer 217, Disodium Edta, Meroxapol 311, Quatenmium-18, Amodimethicone, Tea-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Dmdm Hydantoin, C12-14 Sec-Pareth-5, C12-14 Sec-Pareth-7, Lysine Hci, Citric Acid, Silk Amino Acids [Alanine, Glycine, Serine, Arginine, Isoleucine, Cystine, Histidine, Glutamic Acid], Borago Officinalis Seed Oil [Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Eicosenoic Acid], Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone

Ingredients list taken from

The conditioner helped tame my hair and kept it soft and shiny without the weight. It did not, however, prevent split ends. On the other hand, the shampoo was a big no-no for me as it aggravated my dandruff. I did not try the two separately.

  • Keeps hair soft and shiny
  • Affordable, though not cheap, this is not an expensive life
  • Did not prevent split ends (despite product claims)
  • Made my dandruff worse
  • Those who don't have dandruff may have better results

Buy Again?
The shampoo is a definite no. The conditioner is a maybe. I'd rather try other lines for now.

Friday, June 22, 2012

So long Slippers!

My favorite pair of slippers are these green slippers with gold accents from iPANEMA. Bought at a sale for around P400 ($10), these have been with me for around 2.5 years. I've used then 3-5 times a week for some heavy duty walking. They were with me in the USA and in Japan. Though these slippers are not the best for your feet, these were one of the best slippers I've ever had for comfort and fashion.

 Unfortunately, my slippers now have to be retired due to the cracks that I've noticed on both sides of my slippers.  They're both pretty big and I don't want to risk getting de-slippered at a bad time.

Goodbye slippers! I think it's time for me to find a new pair and concentrate on closed-toe shoes for now!