Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freaky or Fab?

My amateur nail art! Inspired by the Philippine Flag and the new president of the country.
Orly Witch's Blue, China Glaze Ruby Pumps and random yellow nail art pen.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I didn't want to post this because of the sloppy nail color application, but it's too pretty (for me anyway) for me not to post.

Konad plate something. Base color OPI Suiz Says Feng Shui and konad in china glaze adore.

I like blues and greens.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fortune Cookies

What are fortune cookies made of? According to wikipedia, it is made of flour, sugar, vanilla and oil. However, to me, they smell and taste like Play-Doh. I don't think it's because of the flour and water combination, but what else could it be?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Biore: Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

I bought some pore strips for my brother a week ago for less than $4 (In the US) and tested it.

My brother washed his face. This is his nose before the strip and after cleansing.

I removed the strip from its container, twisted it around then placed it on my brother's face. You have to put it on (1)quickly on a (2) wet nose or else it won't work as well. That was my mistake.

This is his nose after, you can see some improvement. It would be better if his nose was wetter and I was quicker though.

This is the nose strip; you can see that it works. However, it pulled more hair than heads. I should correct that next try.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Cost of Entertainment

It is a fact of life that people wish to be entertained. One theory is that its purpose is to dissuade us from asking the right questions and looking for answers. We continue to preoccupy ourselves with the monotonously mundane and the mindboggling magical. In other words, we’re either slaving away for our basic needs or escaping into fantasy.

A long time ago, the Roman Empire was a force to behold. It held all the cards: Its citizens had everything they could need and want. What they wanted most was entertainment.

They got it.

For this need, a billion animals were imported from around the world to be slaughtered for sport. Never mind that several species became extinct due to the heavy demands of a bloodthirsty populace. The deaths of both animals and people (as long as they did not belong to the group) did not affect them at all.

This was before the television was invented.

However, we haven’t changed at all. Even with all our advancements, we are content with not thinking, not acting. We are content to watch. Never mind phrases such as greenhouse gases, climate change, and natural disasters. The TV needs electricity, shopping bags need paper and the disposable lifestyle is too convenient to forsake.

And if there is some form of entertainment that highlights the need for change, it is only talked about until the latest scandal.

What will happen to the world ten years from now? What will happen to me 10 years from now?

I don’t know, but right now, I don’t think I’d want to know the answer. So maybe I just shouldn't think about it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Water Bottle

When I was in grade school, I used to to carry a large water jug to school everyday. Inside the container was either iced tea or orange juice with a lot of ice. This habit changed when I was in high school: I replaced the sugary treat with plain water. I then used part of my lunch money to buy drinks when I needed a sugar rush. However, I graduated and soon went to college. Carrying something as bulky as a water jug was inconvenient, so I turned to water dispensers and buying drinks in the cafeteria.

I then realized that I was spending TOO much money on drinks when I got thirsty. Thus, just recently, I have begun toting around a water bottle. It's much smaller, and I can refill the contents with the water dispensers at zero cost. Because of this new habit, I have reduced my drink bill by 50% to 70%.

Looking back, I know I'd save 100% if I could stop myself from buying sweet treats, but I can't...

At least water bottles are easy on my pocket, and the environment (think of all the plastic I'm not wasting :)).

Monday, February 8, 2010

Surprising Discovery

I did a frequency count of the top page of the Cosmopolitan Bedside Astrologer 2010 (for the Philippines): I wanted to know if Venus was the most popular planet out there. However, the results were very surprising:

*12 pages total of one zodiac sign/month each

Maybe results would change if I did the entire thing, but I'm too lazy...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jacob's Shawarma: beef and lamb - P200. It was 12 inches long cut in half. I had it to go since I had to study. It was yummy and filling. I wish it were slightly cheaper though...

...because I always have no money. lol.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Democracy: efficiency sacrificed for equality.

Sometimes it just doesn't work.

*is pissed*

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tutorial: Aztec Healing Clay Experience

or my favorite way to use aztec healing clay.

1. aztec healing clay
2. honey
3. apple cider vinegar
4. tea tree oil
5. spoon (supposed to be non-metal but...)
6. small plastic container

I placed a heaping spoonful of aztec healing clay into container (I just made sure my spoon was really dry).

Added one flat tablespoon of ACV. I love it when it starts frothing ^^

Added a flat tablespoon honey, then 5 drops tea tree oil and mixed. It's better to add too little in the beginning than too much. If lacking, add more ACV. Make sure you put on a PASTE and not a liquid.

Place a thick layer on face.

How it sucked the oil from my face.

Wash off after 20 mins or until dry with warm water.

Even though it is stinky, it works; It's also really cheap and lasts forever. Not recommended for those with sensitive noses.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nails, my very first konad!

The luxe nail rewards card. Collect 25 stamps of 100 pesos worth each (totaling 2500 pesos) in six months to redeem something. I know I can't do that.

Ruby Pumps worn on Christmas.

The better looking Konad.

My first Konad. Both this and the above were made with Wing it Wine Creme on Sexagon.

My nails from Luxe! Shower Together and For Audrey - my very own bathroom.

NOTE to self: rest nails!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What could have been

I drown in a thousand "if only"s
Of "if"s and "but"s and "maybe"s

If only I did
But had I done

Maybe... Maybe... Maybe...
What was cannot be undone

I regret what is
Remembering what was

What will be
What could have been

My heart hurts.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow! It's been more than one month since I've last posted. It sucks that I have no one to motivate me (as no one is reading this).

It supposedly takes 21 straight days to make a habit, maybe if i got the strength to post everyday, this would be easier...

Speaking of habits, this Christmas break, I should make it a habit to:

1. Floss and use mouthwash
2. Use a 6 step regime for my face
3. Exercise

Wonder if that'll actually happen.