Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What could have been

I drown in a thousand "if only"s
Of "if"s and "but"s and "maybe"s

If only I did
But had I done

Maybe... Maybe... Maybe...
What was cannot be undone

I regret what is
Remembering what was

What will be
What could have been

My heart hurts.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wow! It's been more than one month since I've last posted. It sucks that I have no one to motivate me (as no one is reading this).

It supposedly takes 21 straight days to make a habit, maybe if i got the strength to post everyday, this would be easier...

Speaking of habits, this Christmas break, I should make it a habit to:

1. Floss and use mouthwash
2. Use a 6 step regime for my face
3. Exercise

Wonder if that'll actually happen.