Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion

Is more actually better? Hada Labo's Gokujyun Premium Lotion boasts five different sizes of hyaluronic acid in a gold bottle. But is it worth a gold medal?

A lot of women seem to think so, especially now that hyaluronic acid has become such a trendy commodity. I however, think differently...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Nivea Extra White Serum Antiperspirant

Revisiting Nivea's Extra White Serum, the Armpit Edition! Because while I do like the body lotion, I was ambivalent about this when it first came out years ago.

So in the theme of retrying old things this year, I tried Nivea's Extra White Serum Antiperspirant for the second time.